vi. sleepy

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words counts: 670

The plane had landed landed 15 minutes ago, everyone was sorting out their belongings and running through the schedule for the next 24 hours, everybody but Shawn who could be found spread across the cream coloured sofa which was clearly too small for his tall frame. His curls spread out over his forehead as the softest of snores left his lips, slightly chapped from sleeping with his mouth open. You hadn't seen him in such a deep sleep in months, and it brought a sense of comfort to you knowing that he had finally tired himself out.

A firm hand on your shoulder pulls you out of your thoughts before you could admire your exhausted boyfriend any longer. Turning your head, you're met with the spectacle covered eyes of Andrew as he begins to speak in a hushed tone.

"Shotgun not being the one to wake sleeping beauty over there from his beauty rest, its all on you this time, y/n!"

"You say it like I'm going to regret it," you start with a hint of a giggle in your voice, "I'm just glad he's finally sleeping, he's been trying really hard to keep up with the energy of the crowds lately, I can tell he's been tired. My poor baby."

"Alrighty, well we're all going to start heading off so just catch up with us as soon as you can, see you in the car, y/n!" With that you were left alone on the empty plane with your sleep deprived boy.

Walking over to the sofa, you run your fingertips through the ends of his hair, the sensation pilling a deep breath out of him as he began to shift in his slumber.

"Shawn, time to get up. We've landed. babe." Your familiar gentle voice causing him to slowly blink his eyes open, grumbling sleepy nonsense when he was met with the bright overhead lights. "Wakey, wakey rockstar! We've got to start heading out to the cars once you're up, Andrew said he'd be waiting for us."

"Mhmm, come lay with me for a second, I gotta wake up properly first," he speaks lazily. His words slurring together, still laced with sleep. Before you can say anything in protest, his hand is reaching up and wrapping around your forearm and tugging you down towards him gently. Giving in, you rest you body on top of his, your head finding its place in the crook of his neck, a spot reserved just for you.
A few seconds pass and you notice his breathing start to even out again.
"Shawn, baby. We seriously need to get up, you're falling asleep again," you finally speak, breaking the all too comfortable silence as you once again start playing with his hair.

Shawn lifts his arms and lazily wraps them around your frame, much smaller than his own, yawning out the words "give me like... five more minutes hunny. So warm and comfortable laying here with you. Not ready to go back to real life just yet..." he trails off sleepily and you watch as his eyes and nose scrunch up as the sleep slowly leaves his body.

Deciding that you really do have to get up and leave the plane, you move to slide yourself off of Shawn only to be trapped flush against him when he wraps his legs around you, a groan of protest leaving his lips as he clings onto you like a koala.
"Can't get up if I'm wrapped around you, HA! Just like... ten more minutes, bubs, please!"

"Shawn!! You said five minutes last time! Andrew is probably wonde-"

"So you agree to lay with me for five minutes more?" he stares up at you with testing eyes.

With a final huff you give in, "Five minutes and then we're up, not a second longer. I'm setting a timer on my phone."

"Thats good enough for me. Now, give me a proper cuddle, bubs, not gonna get to do this again until tomorrow night."

𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒. shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now