Part 9

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Some cute fluff.
Art credit: kreugan

Adora sat up quickly as the sun hit her face. It was already past breakfast. Adora scrambled out of bed clawing her way out of the sheets and Catras grasp. Adora looked out the window.  The sun was already at the 10 am mark. She had slept in 2 whole hours and missed breakfast while she was at it. Why had no one woken her? Adora got up to get dressed.  Catra reached out for Adora in her sleep. Finding nothing she woke up.

"Adora?" Catra called.

"Over here," Adora replied, walking out of the bathroom. "We slept in, you have to get back to the horde."

"But I wanna stay hereeee." Catra whined.

"You're the one who wanted to spy for me." Adora chided.

Catra covered her head with the sheets.


Adora rolled her eyes and smiled.

"How bout you stay, but only for breakfast."

Catra's head popped up still under the blanket.  Adora laughed.

"Catra you look like a ghost."

"Breakfast?" Asked catra.

"Yes, breakfast. Now stay here I'll go get us something." Adora turned to leave.

"I want to come too." Said Catra stubbornly.


"It'll be like old times. Sneaking into the kitchen for those little sugar packets, ya know."

Adora smiled.

"Come on then, we have to stay out of sight." Adora laughed.

Together they poked their heads out the door.

"All clear," Adora whispered.

Catra sighed. "What don't you understand about stealthy."

Adora shrugged.

"You're still just as bad at this," Catra muttered.

Adora swatted Catra's arm. "Hey."

Catra looked around. "So um, where is the kitchen anyways."

Adora smirked. "Follow my lead."

"Oh god" catra massaged her forehead with her hand.

Adora grabbed Catra's hand and pulled them out of her room. "Come on."

She ran, pulling catra along, to a blank wall.

"I hate to break it to ya Adora, but uh, this is a wall." Catra leaned against it.

"Really? I had no idea." Adora leaned over Catra.

"Uh." Catra started.

Adora pushed a brick just above Catra's shoulder and Catra tumbled backward.

"Jesus, could of warned me,"  Catra complained.

"That's no fun," Adora replied teasingly.  Adora reached down and helped Catra up.

"Ta-da, it's my secret lair." Adora gestured to the dark hall they had fallen into.

"Thanks, I hate it." Catra mumbles.

"It has a secret entrance to the kitchen."

"Oh my god, I love it."

"That's what I thought." Adora laughed. " I found it while playing hide and seek with Glimmer. I fell in and uh... kinda got lost." Adora rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.  "But now I can consider myself an expert," Adora said proudly.

Catra rolled her eyes but laughed. "Geez Adora, you're such a dork." Catra snuck a glance at Adora and smiled.

Adora peered into the darkness. "So um, I'm pretty sure we go left."

"I thought you were an expert." Catra teased

"Just get your butt over here," Adora mumbled.

"Alright." Catra raised her hands "I'm just saying." 

"I will leave you to rot in these halls." Adora threatened. 

"Okay, okay." 

When they finally got to the kitchen, they were both famished. Adora had sworn the way to the kitchen was to stay left, but Catra could smell the food from literal miles away and said they should go north. They eventually made it.

Catra and Adora raided the pantry for all the sweets they could find and stuffed themselves.

"Oh god." Adora groaned. "why did I think eating 5 cakes was a good idea." Adora sat on the table and laid back. 

"I don't know, why did you tell me that eating 10 cans of sprinkles was okay?" Catra lay on the floor on her back. "I can even move right now."

"you're gonna have to. pretty soon it will be lunchtime, we have to get out of here." Adora rolled over.

suddenly voices could be heard from outside the kitchen. 

"well, that's our cue Catra." Adora shuffled over to Catra.

"You look like a Grandma," Catra remarked.

"Yeah, well you look dead, come on!"

The door to the kitchen began to open.

Adora grabbed Catras hand and pulled her into the pantry.

"where the hell is that secret door?" Adora whisper yelled.

"I think I'm sitting on it," Catra replied.

"Oh god."

They could both hear Glimmer and what Adora assumed was a cook and Bow enter the room.

"move over!" Adora prodded. 

"I'm trYINg. This is a very small pantry for a princess." Catra grumbled. 

As soon as Catra moved an inch away from the handle, Adora grabbed it. Just as Glimmer decided to open the pantry. revealing Adora and Catra tangled up in the darkroom halfway in a hole in the ground.

"Uh, this is a drEaMmmmM." Adora waved her hands in Glimmers face while making weird woosh noises.

Catra sighed.

"I literally hate this." Glimmer deadpanned. 

"Why is there a stranger in the pantry?" Bow asked. 

"Adora, Catra. get out of the pantry. We can talk over Lunch." Glimmer said Tartly.(why does this keep happening to me-Glimmer)

thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy, and have a great day. <3

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