crossing over

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Thanks to all of you, who read the story, voted and commented. It's nice to know, that you like this story so much. I will do my best, to update often enough.


When Lloyd arrived back at the monastery, he was honestly surprised, that he wasn't attacked. Then again, they were probably waiting for him to come to them. They didn't need to attack. Everything was happening on it's own.

He parked his motorcycle and helped Harumi climb down, even though she could've done it on her own. Seriously, she could fight, so why not climb down a motorcycle?

As he entered the monastery, Harumi trailing behind him, he thought about how to tell the others about her, but he didn't have the time to think about it, seeing as everyone was standing in the yard.

"What is she doing here?" Kai hissed.

Lloyd groaned. Just perfect.

"She is here to help us, remember?" Lloyd rolled his eyes.

"Lloyd, you were supposed to get the flower, not bring her here" his father reminded him.

Yes, originally, Lloyd hadn't planned to bring her with him, but she wanted to make things right again. At least she clamed that she wanted to. But deep inside, Lloyd felt uneasy with her. It wouldn't be the first time she tried to get out of bad situations.

"Guys, give her a chance" Lloyd pleaded. He was in her position many years ago, and she deserved the same. Even if she had done worse than him. If you looked closer at the situation, you could see that it was Lloyd's fault.

If he hadn't freed the serpentine, then the great devourer never would've been freed, and Harumi's parents would still be alive. She wouldn't have been evil, but his father would still be dead too. It was really complicated.

"I know that I have done many regrettable things, and it may be hard to believe me, but I do regret them. None of you are to blame for what happened to my parents. If anyone is to blame then the serpentine, but not you. I truly am sorry" Harumi said.

To everyone, it seemed like the beginning of Harumi pouring her heart out. Giving them a real image of what she was feeling. Her eyes showed remorse, as she was looking at everyone. She avoided Garmadon's gaze, looking at the ground instead.

She was definitely not going to look at the one that she admired. That she gave a kingdom to rule. She had given up everything so he could have anything he wanted but failed.

"Yeah, no, I don't believe her one bit" Cole meant.

"Neither do I. She tried to kill us" Jay exclaimed. The others agreed.

"Come on. I was in the same situation, remember? And you took me in without hesitation" Lloyd said.

"That was different" Zane said.

"How was that different?" the blond asked.

"You didn't really try to kill us" Nya offered the perfect answer. She was right. He had never tried to kill them. He had only tried to prove himself.

"At least give her a chance. If she does something, we can always bring her back to the prison" Lloyd suggested.

The others looked at each other and nodded. Lloyd sighed in relieve. At least one thing was going as planned.

Lloyd turned to Harumi. "So, where is the flower?" he asked.

Harumi reached into her Kimono and pulled out a purpled flower. Without hesitation she gave it to the green ninja. For a rare and special flower, it looked like a normal lower from the shop or from the garden.

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