chapter 1

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He's looking at me again. It's the same guy that was in front of me in the line to check my bag in. I star back at him until he smiles and looks away, and then I look back out my window, and there he is again, looking at me.

God, what is his deal?

When I don't look back at him, he looks away, and I sneak a glance at him, and he looks at me at the same time.

I smile and shake my head, and then look away.

He's in the left row, three rows ahead of mine.

I look back after a minute, and he's looking at me again.

I won't lie when I say he's hot. His hair is a wavy ashy blond. He's very muscular, and even from here I can see his blue eyes.

But still, he's a typical guy, a dog, wanting a girl for sex.

I stare at him, and this time, he doesn't look away.

I sigh in annoyance and look away. He looks back at the same time as I, and then the pilot come over the intercom.

"We are about to land. Put on your seatbelts please."

I do put it on, because I got up to go to the bathroom and he watched me the whole way there.

A minute later, the turbulence starts, and he looks away.

It's fall, and the leaves are colored. I'm flying out to Connecticut because my old sister is about to have her baby. My sister's name is Maple. I'm the middle child, and then our youngest sister, she's fifteen, her name is Primrose, but we call her Prim.

Our cousin, Annie, she's flying out later. She's my best friend, too. She lives in Washington DC with me, but she was working today so we couldn't get on the same flight.

My parents don't pick favorites, and they treat all their kids like their babies.

Maple is twenty four, and I'm twenty one.

This is my first niece of nephew, and Prim, too. I'm excited, because I love babies. I don't see me having a future with a guy, ever, just because I'm very independent and my last relationship ended in a disaster because he kept trying to be nice and buy me things and I got annoyed. I can take care of myself.

There will probably never be a time for love in my heart, but Maple and Prim are a completely different stories. Prim has a boyfriend, and Maple is happily married to be brother in law, Jacob. He's a good guy and I approve of him.

We touch ground, and wait till we're told we can get off the plane. I do, and snag my carry on and go racing to baggage claim, so that guy can't catch up with me. He does though, and stands right next to me at baggage.

"I saw you staring at me on the plane." He says, not looking at me, but at the bags on the conveyor belt.

"Are you sure that wasn't you looking at me?" I reply, looking at the bags, too. I see him smirk out of the corner of my eye. We both reach for the same bag. He's an arrogant asshole. I can tell, because he acts like one, and I'm no fool.

"That's mine." He says.

"Um, it's not actually." I reply.

He grabs his bag, which is the same as mine, and turns to me, finally looking at me. "Let's go there." He points to a Starbucks across the airport.

"Uh, no. I don't know you." I say, and I turn to walk away, but he jogs to catch up with me, walking backwards in front of me.

"That's the point of the coffee." He says.

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