chapter 7

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Annie showed up in a t-shirt without a bra, and a pair of sweats. Her hair was messed up. Even though she was half awake, and swept up the glass, and she put all of it in a bucket. She checked every nook and cranny of the floor for a speck. She put all of it in a bucket, and put all of it on the dining room table after washing it.

And what did she do? She started to glue it back together, which is exactly what she's doing right now.

"So why don't you tell me what happened?" she asks.

I explain it, and she lets out a puff of breath.

"Dammit Katniss, he fucking likes you! Why won't you go out with him?"

"Because he's an arr-"

"You don't know that! You hardly know him! He likes you! Why don't you give it a try! When I said I think you've already met that special someone, I was fucking talking about him! You bothered to remember his name! Whenever someone hits on you, like he does, you never bother to remember their names! You don't ever tell people your name, but you told him. He randomly showed up at your house, and you let him stay! Tell me, when you had those little bouts of silence, was it awkward?"


"Exactly! You could have something with him, but you just fucking blew it! He isn't an arrogant asshole! He might be persistent, but you know what? So are you! And yeah, you can be a bitch sometimes. You say it yourself all the time. Stop sitting there angry at him! He didn't' do shit to you!"

She sweeps all of the glass back into the bucket and walks out of the house, letting the door slam behind her.

I go into my room, and I watch the fan blades go around and around, and then I fall asleep.


Annie refuses to talk to me. she cancelled breakfast and told me in the same message that I better not try to fucking message her until I apologize.

But Annie knows if I do apologize, I won't be doing it because I miss her, I'll be doing it because I mean it.

It takes a week and a half of moping around to realize Annie's right.

I'm a bitch. Peeta didn't do anything and I don't know if he's an arrogant asshole because I hardly fucking know him.

So...I go on Facebook, and I search for Peeta, and I find him, and I go to about.

437 New York Ave NW #213 Washington, DC20001 (Mount Vernon Square)

I put it in the GPS in my car, and I go right over there. I'm in a t-shirt and jeans today, and my boots.

I hesitate in my truck outside, and then I get out, and I go, and I knock on the door, and I stand there with my hands in my pockets.

I hear the lock click, and he opens it.

He looks me up and down for a long time. "What?"

"Um...I'm sorry." I mumble. "I can be a bitch're not an arrogant're persistent,'re not an arrogant asshole. I'm sorry, okay?"

He hesitates for a long time. "It's okay...I'm sorry for calling you a bitch." He says.

"It's fine." I say.

He leans against the doorframe with his arms crossed. "How'd you find my address?"

I hesitate, and then a smile crosses my face.

"Facebook." I mutter, and he laughs.

"Will you please go to dinner with me tonight?" he asks.

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