Refining and transforming

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Carter instructed me to arrive at a location to teach me how to do my hair, makeup, and act. I came, and someone showed me to a room meeting with a couple.

From there, the coupled told me to shower and clean my body. After showering and washing up, I emerged with a towel wrapped around me. The couple handed me an outfit to dress in, which I did. Next, the couple cut, dyed and styled my hair. Then the people applied makeup to my face as I sat there. When they finished, it shocked me.

"Now, we'll teach you how to present yourself and speak," the woman announced as I stood up. The couple worked with me on how to walk and strut. Every time I slouched, they straightened me up.

They worked on my posture and taught me how to hold my shoulders back while walking on the balls of my feet. I didn't walk like a caveman. I didn't realize how much went into modeling.

I practiced until I exuded sexiness. I need to act like I'm seducing the camera is how the people explained it. I also had to pose, which they taught me.

They spent most of the day teaching me a few things until they released me. They told me I'm training as a model. Then when they felt I'm ready, they would photograph me. I didn't know that they were grooming me, not for the camera but something else.

The next several days, I showed up, and the couple worked on me, refining me and teaching me how to act. When I question why they responded that all models need to know how to perform with the public, Carter expected her models to conduct themselves in a certain way. I had my doubts.

I continued to show up and work with the couple until the end of the week arrived. Someone handed me an envelope. I opened it to find an obscene amount of cash. My mouth became agape, staring at it as I counted it. There are fifteen hundred dollars in the envelope.

"There must be some mistake," I told the person as I looked at them with confusion.

"The money is for a place. Here," the man said as he handed me a card with an address, "give this to the woman along with the envelope, and she hands you a key."

I couldn't believe it. I shoved the envelope into my bag as I left, making my way to the address. When I arrived, I walked up to the door and pressed a button. I heard a buzzing sound opening the door. I walked through the entrance, down the marble hallway, until I found a woman waiting for me.

I dug into my bag, pulling out the envelope and handing it to her along with the card. She, in return, held out a key to me with a number. Then she turned to walk down a hallway as I followed her. We arrived at a door, and I used the key to open it.

My expression contorted to surprise as I looked at the furnished apartment. I turned to the woman. "What is this?"

"Carter takes care of all her girls. As long as you do as she asks, you enjoy the perks," the woman explained as I looked at her. Perks?

She turned and left without waiting around for me to ask any more questions. I looked around at my surroundings. It's a luxury penthouse. I walked around, checking everything out as I made my way to the bedroom. I have never been in a place this big or seen one.

I found the closet and flicked on the switch, illuminating the vast space. Clothes adorned racks along with shoes. I ran my hands along with the designer clothes: Dior, Prada, and many more. These clothes cost more money than I made in a year at my many jobs.

It's so surreal, and I couldn't believe it. It was like someone finally gave me a break. The question was, at what cost?

Last night, I slept. After awaking, I showered and put on some knit leggings and a tee-shirt. I threw my hair into a clip and made a cup of coffee before looking around the apartment.

I checked out the fridge to find it stocked with food. What in the world? None of this can be real, I thought, as I looked around at the place.

There was a knock at the door as I walked over and answered it. A man stood at the door with a package, handing it to me. As soon as I took it, he turned and left. Okay, that's not strange.

I closed the door, set the package on the counter, unwrapping it, and lifted the lid off it. Inside was the latest iPhone, along with a credit card and note.

Enjoy the phone, and the credit card has no limit. I scheduled your first job for next Saturday.


I stared at it in wonderment. I didn't understand any of this. How does one go from poverty to living in a penthouse suite, along with a phone and credit card? That baffled me in every sense.

I sat down on a stool and sipped my coffee while looking at the phone and credit card. I didn't think models received this so quickly. None of it made any damn sense.

The weekend passed, and I returned to working with the man and woman I did the previous week. They were teaching me how to conduct myself when I went out to dinner and how to speak.

They advised me to agree to things even if I wanted to disagree. That's all I had to do. As they worked with me, they refined me daily while reporting back to Carter about my progress. It pleased Carter that I progressed.

At the end of the week, Carter came to check for herself as they presented me to her. I exhibit how they taught me to conduct myself as if I'm auditioning for a job.

Carter studied me as I performed everything they asked me to do without complaining.

"Excellent, I'm impressed. Thank you, Mariah and Geoff. Please excuse us," Carter spoke to them as they nodded, exiting the room while I stood there. She walked over to me. "Lacey, I'm very impressed with the progress you have made, and you are what I was looking for with a girl."

"So, the job you assigned me, can you tell me about it?" I asked Carter, wanting more information.

"It's an evening job, and the client prefers punctuality. Dress in something lacy and make sure your makeup and hair are presentable. Whatever the client asks you to do, remember to do it," Carter warned me.

I looked at her, confused.

"Trust me, rule number one, do whatever the client asks you to do. When you understand rule number one, I'll explain rule number two," Carter told me as I looked at her.

Carter turned and walked out of the room, leaving me standing there even more confused than I am. What is rule number two?

I would find out tomorrow.

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