The contract

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I arrived at my hotel and walked with brisk strides into it as the staff greeted me. I stepped into the elevator and pressed the button to the penthouse suite. I heard the chiming inside of the bin as it passed each floor until it arrived at the top level.

Stepping off, I walked towards my room as my dress shoes' soles hit the tile floor. Opening the door, I walked in and set my keys on the table and removed my suit coat, draping it over the back of a chair. I would ring housekeeping later to pick up my dry cleaning.

I walked over and lifted the glass container of bourbon and pouring some into a tumbler. I needed a drink after today. Between meetings and the arrogance of that escort, I'm feeling even more restless than usual. I needed a release.

How is it? I can have anyone at my beck and call. Yet a call girl questions me. I'm paying for the service, not opinions, ones she needs to keep to herself. I sipped my bourbon as I looked out across the city, thinking.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Who was it now? I'm not expecting any calls. It better be good, I thought to myself, picking up the penthouse phone and answered it. "Yes?"

I listened as the manager explained to me I have a guest wanting to see me.

"I wasn't expecting anyone. Who is it?" My tone was firm yet harsh. I hated insolent phone calls, and I detested the staff bothering me. People needed reminding of their place in this world. They forget.

As the manager rambled, they finally announced who it was.

My answer was simple. "Send the person up." With that, I replaced the receiver in the cradle. I grabbed my tumbler and walked over to the window. I stare out into the darkened sky as my lips curled into a smile.


I followed an older gentleman to the elevator. He looked apprehensive as I stood next to him in the bin. He rambled as I stood there. I wasn't in the mood for chitchat. I was here for business.

When the elevator reached the top floor, we stepped off and walked to a door at the end of the hallway. The man used a key card and let me into the room before turning to leave.

I looked around. It's a penthouse suite, decorated. I knew how much a penthouse cost since I had been too many. I walked around, looking at everything until I saw Vincent. He had his back to me as he stared out of the window.

"Have you considered my offer?" He asked, not bothering to look at me.

"Do I have a choice?" I questioned him in a snarky tone.

His head turned where I saw half his face. "We all have choices, Miss Powell. It's what you choose that makes the difference."

"Why did you want me?" I asked as I walked further into the room. "You could have asked for anyone. So why did you ask me?"

He turned and faced me, "Because we both have something in common."

"What's that?" I looked at him, irritated.

"We both screw people for money and don't give a damn who it affects even if it's in a unique aspect," he answered. He walked towards me. We came face to face. "We're not so different from business. I'm want to hire you because I prefer no complications. I'm offering a contract for thirty days."

"You're a real prick," I remarked.

"People have referred to me as worse, so your insults don't affect me," he smirked.

"If I agree to this, which I haven't, will you give everyone their jobs back?"

"Yes," he answered.

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