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....Next Day.....


I woke up with a really bad headache then it all hit me. All of them shots and shit that I was taking lastnight caught up with me. I got up out of bed and went to take something for this headache and to fix breakfast for Aaliyah and Sky. I took eggs, bacon, and waffle mix out of the fridge and I got all the seasoning and dishes that I need to prepare the meal. I took out my egg mixing bowl and cracked the eggs inside. I added a little salt and pepper along with a couple of slices of cheese. I mixed them all in the bowl and sat it on the counter. I cut the strips of bacon in half and placed them in a pan while I preheated my oven to 350. Once it beeped I put the bacon in and started to make the waffles. Once I got done mixing it in the bowl I placed them inside the waffle maker and let them cook.

30 minutes later

Everything was done. I took out three plates and placed the food on them. I grabbed two glasses and Skylars cup and filled the with Sunny D. I cut up some strawberries and placed them in a bowl with some Reddi Whip for Skylar. I went to Skylar room to wake them up so they could eat. "Aaliyah and SkySky ya'll get up and wash ya'll hands and come eat." I said. They both got out and went to the guest bathroom. I grabbed two towels out of the hall closet so they could wash their face. After they were done they followed me into the kitchen. "Lord we thank you for this food, the money to buy it, the hands to prepare it, and the family to eat it with. Lord we ask that you bless those who are hungry and have not and that you make this meal nurishing to our bodies and filling to our souls in Jesus name amen." I said praying over our food. After I said grace we all dug in. One thing that I can say about Skylar is that she don't waste food too often that little girl can eat. She was smashing her bacon. I laughed a little bit. "So Aaliyah how long you gone be down here?" I asked her.

"Well my mama locked up right now so I guess Ill go home when she get out. My daddy sent me down here so I won't be getting in no trouble." She said.

"Awe well that's good. We close together in age so if you get bored over there with Ms. James you can come over here. I'll pick you up from time to time and we can go to the mall and stuff if you want to." I told her.

"Yes, Ill be glad too! My granny is not as nice to me as she is to you and Sky so, come get me every chance you get." She said.

"Alright girl." I said. "You got a phone?" I asked.

"Granny supposed to be taking me to get one." She said. I nodded my head.

"Well once you get done eating you can leave and go shower and stuff, I'm sure she gone take you shopping and all that extra." I told her. I was done with my food so I raked the remainder of what was on my plate into the trash and put my plate in the sink. I went to my room to get her money for watching Sky for me. I grabbed a stack of twenties of my dresser and counted out $100 and got it to take it to her. I walked back in the kitchen and she was eating her last little bit of eggs. "Here you go, thank you for watching her." I said handing her the money. She looked at me shocked.

"$100 for watching her overnight?" She asked.

"Girl you ain't got no kids. You didn't have to watch her I'm just tryna make sure you straight." I told her. I know it's a lot but, she's a teenager and I know she probably would want a little extra spending money. I need to apologize to King for being rude lastnight. I am so embarrassed. I got Skylar down from her high seat and took her in the living room so she could play on her iPad while I wash the dishes.

"Thank you India." Aaliyah said leaving out the door.  I went back into the kitchen and ran me some dish water. Once it was done I added dish washing liquid and a little bleach and started to wash them.

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