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After all of the gifts were in the rides and the building was clean King, Kain, Lailani, and India were about to head out. Skylar grandma wanted her for a little while. India made it very clear she wasn't spending a night. Everybody was going to chill at King house for a little bit. Lailani and India still haven't had the conversation about her being pregnant so India figured while the guys were doing them she her and Lailani was gone duck off and talk. Everybody got in their cars and followed eachother to King house.

India connected her phone to bluetooth and played some Lil Baby. Woah came on and she bobbed her head as she got ready to pull out behind King. It felt so weird to be driving again especially after what happened. She pushed it to the back of her head and focused on the road. King was driving fast as hell so India had to keep up. She adjusted herself in her seat and sped through traffic behind King. She checked her rear view mirrors and Lailani was right behind her. After a while they were pulling into King side of town. They passed all of the other nice houses and drove a little further to King main gate. It opened and everybody entered. India drove down the long drive way and parked behind King, Lailani parked behind India, and Kain parked beside Lailani so she'll be able to get out. India's phone rung and it was her grandma calling.

India- Hello
Mrs Royale- Hey baby, I was just calling to see if you made it to the house safe
India- Yes ma'am
Mrs Royale- alright then sweetie
India- What Skylar doing?
Mrs Royale- She playing with her toys
India- oh, i'll be over there to pick her up later probably about 8:30
Mrs Royale- you might as well let her stay
India- No grandma, I want her home with me
Mrs Royale- Okay girl if you say so
India- mhm what you doing?
Mrs Royale- Bout to cook take out dinner for tomorrow.. y'all coming right?
India- yeah
Mrs Royale- well alright i'll see you later
India- okay grandma

India hung up the phone and grabbed her bag from out the passenger seat and walked in the house. "King and Kain??" She called out.

"Wassup?" They both said at the same time.

"Y'all gone bring my baby stuff in?" She asked.

"Yeah." King said.

"We gotchu." Kain said.

The went out to get our gifts and India and Lailani went upstairs in the room that India and Skylar was sleeping in. India closed the door and went in the bathroom. "Okay bestfriend talk to me." India said sitting on the edge of tub while Lailani closed the top on the toilet and sat down.

"Okay so I been feeling really weird and throwing up so, I took a pregnancy test and it said it was positive. Well I texted Kain because he is the only person I been sleeping and this was his reply." Lailani said pulling up the messages on her phone so India could read them. Once she found the messages she passed the phone to India. India frowned as she read the messages.

"Girl what the fuck." India said. "He fucked up." She said shaking her head.

"I know, I'm really thinking about whether I want this baby or not." Lailani said.

"Bestfriend you know Ian gone tell you nothing wrong. Abortion is not the route you should take. While kill an innocent seed? That baby didn't ask to be made. Just because Kain is a piece of shit don't mean nothing that little baby will be your responsibility! You know you got my one hundred percent support. You grown so whatever you do I'll still love you." India said. Lailani took in what she said and she agreed with what India was saying.

"You right Indi, thanks for always being here and keeping it real." Lailani said giving her a hug.

"That's what I'm here for but um you and Kain do need to have a face to face though. Tell him straight up... he can be in the baby life or not but, you not gone do the back and forth it's either one or the other." India said.

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