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The workers in the gift shop put together Skylar a cute basket. India swiped her card and paid for it so they could go. India carried it as they headed back to Skylar room. When they made it everyone was still there and Skylar was just laying there. "SkySkyy." India said. Skylar eyes lit up with joy she got excited when she saw her mama walk in the room.

"Mamaaaa." Skylar said. India walked over and placed Skylars' gift on the table. Nurse Bria walked in the room to talk to India. "Hey, so we gave her a popsicle to eat to see if it'll so she'll be able to eat." Bria said. King took the sonic bag from India and got Skylar food out. King pulled up a chair beside her bed and adjusted the bed to where she was sitting up. 

"I like how y'all always get food and don't think about nobody but ya ugly selves ." Lailani said.

"My bad bestie." India said. Lailani rolled her eyes and started a conversation with India's grandma. "How have you been Ms. Lady?"

"Girl I've been better." She said. Lailani nodded her head and felt the urge to throw up. She ran into the bathroom as everything she ate came out.

King phone vibrates indicating that he had a text. He checked his phone and saw that it was Kain checking in on Skylar. King shot him a text back letting him know that everything was good.

The nurse came back in the room this time it wasn't Bria. It was some white lady India peeped how she was eyeing King down. "Good evening, we have decided to keep Skylar for a couple of more days to monitor her. Everything seems to be fine, she remembers all of you and there aren't any major changes in her. The only thing that changed is her personality she has more sense of humor. She has been great!" She said before going to write her name and stuff on the board. "Oh by the way my name is Amy, if you have any questions feel free to ask!" She said before checking Skylar blood pressure.


Skylar was sleep and it was about time for everybody to start heading out King and India stayed at the hospital. India's dad hung around for a few minutes because he needed to talk to India.

"Hey babygirl, can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked. "In private." He added on throwing a little hint for King to leave the room. King chuckled a little bit and walked out of the room. "What are you doing with him?" He asked.

The question caught India off guard. She arched her eyebrows, "What do you mean what am I doing with him? I'm grown." India said. It came out the wrong way though.

"India do you know what he do for a living? You really wanna throw your life away for a thug? All he gone do is get what he want and leave you hanging." India's dad said.

"Daddy i'm grown. I can handle me." India said.

"Are you even sure he's not the reason Skylar in the situation she is now? You were driving HIS truck." He said.

"Okay now you went too far! Ima need you to leave. I'm not finna sit here and have this conversation with you. You judging somebody you don't even know." India said.

"Well I'll tell you what.. no daughter of mine is going to be with a thug. Take it how you wanna, but me and everything I paid for will be gone." He said. At this point tears formed in India's eyes. She couldn't believe that her own dad was telling her this.

"That's fine. I don't need you or your money! I'll get my own. You can leave my daughter room." India said.

"Just as I thought you would, My people will be there to pick up the car and everything else. If you haven't already make sure your stuff is packed and out of the house that I paid for. You can either give me the cards that's linked to my account or i'll have them disconnected. It's sad that you're willing to risk you and your daughter to be with some street nigga." He said before walking out shaking his head. Once he was out of the room India ran in the bathroom and locked the door. She slid down the door and let the tears fall. India sat and thought about how messed up the situation was. On the flip side India had money of her own saved up. India thought about the new apartment but she knew that after a while she wouldn't be able to afford it unless she got a job.

King walked back in the room and looked for India. He heard sobbing coming from the bathroom so he went and tried to open the door. He turned the knob but, it was locked. He knocked softly trying not to wake Skylar up. India didn't say anything she just kept on crying. "India open the door." King said. India didn't say anything, King stood there for a few more minutes until India opened the door.

King stepped in and closed the door and stood in front of India. "Dry them tears ma, stop that weak ass crying shit." He said. India tried to stop but, the tears kept coming. King gave her a few minutes to calm down.

"He just basically disowned me." India said. King looked at her funny.

"The fuck typa shit is that?" He asked.

"Man I don't know, he don't want me with you. He said some real fucked up shit." India said. King pulled her into a hug and let her cry into his chest.

"Ma youn need that nigga, you heard me? I got y'all." King said. One thing about India is she's independent. She would rather struggle and get her own then depend on someone else. Once India finished crying she fixed her fave up and her and King walked back into the room so they could get some rest.


Lailani sat on the toilet and waited for her timer to go off. She was really nervous about the results that were going to pop up on the first response pregnancy test. She knew something wasn't right about her body for the past month and this is the only thing that she could think of. Her timer beeped and she closed her eyes tightly before opening them again. She picked up the test and indeed the results were positive. The two lines were as dark as could be. Lailani broke down crying. She never wanted to end up pregnant by somebody she not even in a relationship with. She took a picture of the test and sent it to India. Lailani sat and thought long and hard about what she wanted to do, whether she wanted to keep it or not. She unlocked her phone and sent a text to Kain.

Lailani- We need to talk.
Kain- bout ?
Lailani- i'm pregnant.
Kain- lol
Lailani- ?
Kain- Whatchu tellin me for ?
Lailani- nigga because it's YOURS
Kain- stop playin on my phone
Lailani- fuck you !

Lailani went to the mirror and looked at her stomach. It's crazy because she isn't even showing she could see a small bump though once she turned to the side. She made a mental note to schedule an appointment in the morning to see the doctor. Lailani went in her kitchen and grabbed a sandwich bag and put the test in there. She washed her hands and threw the box away before climbing in her bed to go to sleep.


Sorry guys😭!

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