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India threw her cover back and got up so she can get in the shower. India stopped in her tracks and got on her knees and said a prayer before continuing to do what she was doing. She grabbed a towel and turned on the hot water. After the water ran for a minute India got in. She grabbed her Dr. Bronners and poured some on the towel and started to wash her body.

15 minutes later..

India got out the shower and wrapped a big towel around her body. She honestly felt empty inside it's like she was just going with the flow. It's like she had no reason to live she was just "here". She walked in her closet and searched for a professional looking outfit. She decided on a navy blue dress, some chalk padlock tom ford heels, and the bag to match. She looked at the time and seen that it was going on 8 o'clock.  Her phone started ringing and she looked and seen that it was King.

"Hello?" She said.

"Good luck at court today." He said. "You know if I could be there I would."

"Thanks King." She said. Their relationship wasn't getting any better. King still feel some type of way about what she said. He'll forever hold that above her head, but for the sake of Skylar he's putting his differences with India aside.

"You welcome." He said hanging up the phone before she could say anything else. India rolled her eyes and started to do her hair. She grabbed the flat irons and straightened it. She combed it down and made sure she looked presentable before leaving the house. The court house was all the way downtown so she left so she could be early. King's parents were going to represent him since they hardly ever get out. India got in her car and connected her phone. She played emotionally scarred by Lil Baby and put the car in reverse. She left the neighborhood and headed to her grandma house. Everyone who was attending court was supposed to meet there for prayer.

India had a lot on her mind as she drove. She just wanted to hear good news. She pulled up to her grandma house and got out. She looked around and seen that there were a lot of cars. Lailani pulled up and parked beside her. "Goodmorning bestie." She said.

"Hey girl." India said forcing a smile. She honestly wasn't her best and everyone around her could tell. She still looked good though but you can tell she was going through a rough patch in her life.

Her and Lailani walked in the house together and everyone was in the kitchen. "Goodmorning." India spoke.

"Hey baby how you feeling?" Her grandma asked.

"I'm here." India said.

"Alright well let's pray so we can head on down to the court house."


Everyone pulled up to the court house. It was 10 minutes before court started and India went in the building that her session was being held in. She checked in before heading to the courtroom. She said a silent prayer as she walked in the room.


I texted my parents and made sure that they were on their way to court before I left the house. I had them take my place because I don't want to show my face in the court room especially when I'm the "reason" she was taken anyways.

My mom and dad love Skylar as their own and will fight to get custody of her. If things don't go right today i'll pay and have the case thrown out, but I gotta let India see that this shit ain't no joke. I'm looking at a big house out in the country the property is more than huge. It's a million dollar home the only thing missing is the family.


King played some old Yo Gotti as he cruised the streets of Atlanta. He had to make stops at his businesses today to make sure the money was right. His first stop was the barber shop he had Slim running. He haven't really had time for the streets lately, but he did notice that Slim bag was a few bands short. Him and Slim been boys since he can remember so King knew something was off. He pulled up to Klean Kutz and turned his car off. She made sure he was strapped before getting out the car and walking in.

"Wassup man." Slim said as King walked in.

"Wassup." King said. King sat down in the chair as one of the guys got straight to business. "Aye Slim let me holla at you for a minute." King said as he ran his hand down his face.

"Wassup bro?" Slim said taking a seat in a chair across from King.

"Money been lookin kinda funny lately.. care to explain?" He asked.

"Man I don't know what's going on. I got people on this side of town trying to see what's going on, but it's a dead end. The product not selling like it usually do." Slim said.

"Sound like someone else is in the picture. Yeen heard nothing bout no new niggas on the block have you?" King asked.

"Nah, my eyes open though." He said.

"Alright bro. Ian fuckin with no funny just business and you've known my long enough to know that. Ima need yo people to work harder because short money is the same as stealing from me and stealing from me is the same as stealing from my daughter and i'm not having that." King said. Slim nodded he understood where Long was coming from but it's just some stuff that he can't control. Slim made a mental note to check up on stuff his self.

"Meant that bro." He said. King sat back and finished getting his hair cut.


India waited on the judge to make her decision. She was nervous because the judge has been giving her hell. She wasn't showing any type of sympathy at all. Kings parents sat on the front row and paid close attention to what was going on. They had already paid to get the case thrown out they were just trying to see what was taking them so long to announce that Skylar was coming home.

"Alright Ms. Royale (ROY-AIL) we're releasing the child back into your custody." The judge said. India smiled and looked up and thanked the man above. "You have a beautiful little girl, I would hate for her to lose her life because of your stupid decisions." She rudely said.

India frowned at her comment.


The ONLY reason i'm not gone turn up in this bitch is because I don't want to get arrested and lose Skylar again. Judge Hudson got me oh-so fucked up.

"Release the child and get her out of my court room she's dismissed." She said.

I shook my head before walking out. They had Skylar in a little back room. This situation was most definitely an eye opener. I really just want to duck off and stay out the way. Me and my child will not be SEEN. I waited on Kings' parents before following the lady to the back room. "Hey sweetie how are you feeling today?" Mrs. Johnson asked.

"Way better than what I have been." I said. I like King mom. Overtime we've built our own little bond even though I don't come around as much we're still close. They love Skylar as their own and she know them as Gma and PawPaw.

"That's good. Its always nice to see you. You're always looking good." She said.

I smiled, "I try to always look good."

"You do a great job. How are things with you and Domani?" She asked.

"Honestly, they're not good. Our relationship isn't getting any better." I said. Deep down I want me and King to work but I'm not gone sweat it. King showed me something different and he's treating me like shit because I spoke the truth.

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