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3 days later

Skylar is being released from the hospital to go home today and India is stressing trying to make sure her welcome home party is the best of the best. King on the other hand was trying to make sure that Indias new car was on point. He ordered her a custom G Wagon. It was matte rose gold with black rims with breaks the same color as the truck. The interior was black and white with her name engraved in the driver seat. The truck by itself cost King $300k he got it wrapped and customized somewhere else. The guy who was doing it was supposed to be delivering it to the building that they were having Skylar party at.

Skylar, India, and King were all dressed alike. They were all wearing a black Balmain shirt with Rose gold letters, some black Balmain jeans, and the rose gold (Copper) Nike Foams. Skylar had on a headband to cover the spot where they did her surgery at. They all had on Cartier glasses and rose gold rolexes. India and Skylar had on necklaces and King had on a chain. Their little family was cute. They took pictures before they left the hospital and headed to the building. Lailani was already there helping the people who catered the event set up. King texted Lailani and asked if Skylar gift made it yet. He got Skylar the mini G Wagon. He had it customized just like India's. King was making a lot of last minute calls making sure everything was perfect.

India invited her grandma but she made it clear that her dad can not be there. India feelings are still hurt about the move that her dad pulled. She wasn't about to let it ruin her baby big day though. The lady who was doing the food texted and said that she'll be running a few minutes late because she had to run and get more pans for the Alfredo. The fact that she didn't already have the pans irritated India but, she let it roll of her shoulders. "King the lady who bringing the food said she gone be a few minutes late." India said.

"Really? She had a whole notice and I paid her ass for the last minute booking." King said.

"I know right! She said she ran out of pans for the Alfredo." India said. Lailani was making 7 layer salad and some cream cheese corn. A lady named monique decorated the place. Everything was rose gold and India's cousin did the sweets table. There was going to be Caramel apples, chocolate covered strawberries, oreos, and rice crispies, and there was and cake of course.


King drove to the building of the party and I smiled. This event is private invite only so it's really nothing but family. I invited Bria because she has been there for me the whole entire time. She is bringing her 4 year old and her husband. "How you feeling SkySky?" I asked.

"Goooood, I'm so happy to be out of that place mommy." She said, I laughed a little bit.

"I am too baby." I said. King pulled up to the building and we all got out. I helped Skylar out and King grabbed one hand and I grabbed the other. We walked in together as a family. King opened the door and it was dark. Everybody jumped out together and yelled, "SURPRISEEEE." I looked down at Skylar and the smile on her face was priceless. My heart melted we walked in and took our seats at the front of the room. The gift table had all types of bags and boxes. I ordered her a fully furnished life sized doll house. It's getting put together at Kings' house right now. I had the a picture and receipt up here so people could see what I got her.

There were games, small activities, food, drinks, music, and most importantly FAMILY. Lailani came and hugged me and Skylar. "Wassup King." She spoke.

"Wassup Laila." King said.

"Nigga say my full name we not cool enough." Lailani said laughing. King laughed it off and walked outside. I let everybody talk for a lil bit before King came back in and we got started. Lailani was hosting it so she did the talking. "May I have everyone's attention?" She asked. She waited a few seconds for everybody to get quiet before she continued to talk. "First I would like to thank everyone for coming to celebrate the welcoming home for my goddaughter / niece. So we have to be out of the building by 5 and we have a lot of fun stuff to do so we gone go ahead and bless the food so we can eat." Lailani said.

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