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Later that Day

Skylar and I were out looking at apartments. "Sky what you think about this one?" I asked.

"Hmm it's nice mommy." She said. I nodded and continued to look around. This was a three bedroom two bathroom. It had a nice sized kitchen and a nice living room. The place was in a nice neighborhood and it was pretty nice.

"Well ma'am, I think this is the one." I said.

"Okay, well we can go back to the office and fill out the paper work. You can make your deposit and you can get your key." She said. I smiled and nodded. It was gone be probably a week before I move in. I have to get lights and stuff transferred. I'm getting new furniture and stuff and i'll give a majority of my old clothes to Ms. James granddaughter. I held on to Skylar hand as we followed the lady back to the office.  I held the door open and let Skylar walk in front of me. I closed the door behind me and took a seat in front of her desk.

"Okay so first we'll discuss a few of the things that's in the paper work." She said.

"First thing first is it just the two of you that will be living here?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay and in the paper work they ask you about your employment status, honestly I help everybody out and tell them not to put their true income amount on there because that'll make your rent be sky high." She said. "Umm your deposit amount will be $800 and this will basically be taken out of your first months rent. That way you'll only have to pay $100 dollars. Rent start at $900 but if you want a security system that'll be $50 added on to your rent and you won't have a water bill." I nodded listening to everything she was saying.

"No pets are allowed inside of the apartments. We have a pool but you can't bring more than 3 extra guest with you to the pool. Your daughter does not count as a guest. You will be given a keycard to access the pool. I think that's all of the major stuff you can fill out your paperwork now and we'll get you your key." She said. I gave Skylar my phone to keep her occupied as I read through and filled out all of the paperwork. I made sure I read all of the stuff before I signed my signature.

20 minutes later

"Thank you Ms. Royale, I hope you enjoy your new home." She said handing me my key and my gate card.

"Thank you!" I said smiling. "Come on SkySky." I grabbed Skylar hand and took the keys to the truck out of my purse. I made sure Skylar was buckled in before I got in. I started the truck and put on my seat belt before putting the truck in reverse. "Sky let me get my phone." I said. She passed it to me and I connected it to the radio and played "He be Like" by KenTheMan (Ladies let me put y'all on 😂). I turned it up and drove off. I made a mental reminder to hire a mover so my stuff can be already at my new house.

I drove around for a while and pulled up to the pizza joint on the south side. I grabbed my purse and got out. I opened the back door and got Skylar out.

"You want some pizza?" I asked her.

"Ooo Yes!" She said skipping. I held her hand and we walked in.

"Hellllooo how many do you have with you today?" The girl at the front desk asked.

"Two." I said.

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