The Connection

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"All students, teachers, faculty, and staff, please be advised that there will be severe repercussions for anyone viewing, sending or speaking of explicit content, per the Wilkerson Academy policy. This concludes the morning announcements. Excel and have a great day."


If only they knew I was the exception to that announcement. And to a few other things. ;)


You're the exception to a lot of things my long as you don't get caught.

"Please tell me you saw it." Kayla leaned up in her desk so that she could whisper to Charity.

"Is it wrong that I'm intrigued and worried?" Charity asked as she looked over her shoulder at Kayla. She couldn't believe that everyone saw what was happening to Janelle. She spent more time than she was willing to admit to trying to figure out exactly what it was. Was she being raped? Was it consensual and she sent it out to let everyone know she was fine and wanted to be left alone. But that wouldn't make any sense because she could have just called.

"Yeah" Iyana added. " You've gotta wonder if it's just her way of saying she's fine and we should stop looking. Get on with our lives. I mean that's obviously why she'd do it right? Why would some pervert think to try and do things like that? It makes no sense."

Charity couldn't think of what to say or how to act around Iyana now. She willed herself to stop thinking about the fact that one of her current friends could be the one holding her old best friend hostage. None of it made sense, but it didn't need to. There was a connection between Iyana and Janelle's disappearance. Charity had to figure out what it was before she said a word to anyone, especially her mom. She didn't want to risk getting Iyana in trouble.

It wasn't just getting Iyana in trouble for no reason. How would she have explained being there herself? If they looked into Iyana and the guy in the video with Janelle, they would have to look into her which would lead them to her meetings with Toni for sure. She was pretty sure that saying it was an overnight study session was not going to fly. Then again she couldn't be so selfish as not to figure out what happened to Janelle if she could.

"What did you think of the guy she was in the video with?" Charity whispered to Iyana.

Iyana lowered her eyes. "I didn't notice him."

"You think she's like a prostitute now. She never seemed to be that type. I thought I knew her pretty well. I thought she was more like me." Kayla realized she sounded judgmental. "I mean she can live her life how she wants. I didn't know that's how she ever wanted to live it I guess."

"You can never truly know a girl."


Hey, it's Charity. I think I have a way to find out more about the guy in the video with Janelle.


Tell me!


I think I know where he's staying. We can go check it out after school. You in?


Hell yes! You know I am!


Cool. But don't say a word to anyone okay. We need facts first.

When school let out Charity headed straight to her white on white Benz. She figured she'd text Miko once she got in so that random people wouldn't notice her as she left. She didn't need to wait though, because she when she approached her car Miko and Travis were waiting beside it.

"What's he doing here?" Charity looked to Miko and pointed at Travis.

Janelle and Travis spoke at the same time.

"I'm Janelle's brother."

"He's my boyfriend."

Charity raised her eyebrows then shrugged her shoulders."Cool, let's go." She refused to ask questions since things were confusing enough.

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