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Miko could usually find a way to not be upset about something bothering her. She'd take a nap or look at the bright side. When most things plagued her she either dealt with or realized she had no control and left it be. Losing her best friend, however, was not something that could be patched up with a Band-Aid of positivity.

She needed to get out of the house and go talk to someone who could understand how she felt. She thought about speaking to Sarone. Somewhere deep down he had to have cared about Janelle still. It wasn't that long ago that they dated. But that didn't feel quite right to Miko. She needed to suck it up and talk to Charity. She wasn't sure if she could get past how big little she must have cared since she let loose in the cafeteria during school, but she needed to try something. A part of her still hated Charity for taking the attention off of Janelle in any way.

"I'll be back later mom. See you in a bit dad." Miko shouted up the stairs.

"Have fun sweetie." Her mom shouted back. Her parents were pretty lenient with her leaving and coming back because she never pushed curfew or got into any major trouble.

Miko walked out to her blue Audi and chucked her purse into the passenger's seat. She started to get in but she saw her next-door neighbor. Every time she laid eyes on her she wanted to give her a bear hug and admit that she wasn't sure if calling the cops would help or not. She'd heard of so many times where the woman would go back to the man and would be hurt worse after the cops were involved. Would he come after Miko next if she tried to help?

"Hey, Bronte. How are you?" Bronte stood at 5'9 with straightened dark hair, the gorgeous brown skin to match and always dressed like she was about to walk a runway. "I haven't seen you in a while. You look nice."

"Thanks, sweetie." Bronte got into her sleek black Mazarati and rolled down the window. "I'm off to run a few errands before it gets too late. We'll catch up soon okay."

Miko beamed. She admired how strong Bronte was. She kept it all together so well and Miko hoped she'd get brave soon so that Bronte wouldn't have to be for much longer. She'd find a way to let her know she needed the help and do something about it. She refused to lose Janelle and Bronte.

When she pulled up to Charity's house, Miko sat in her car for a moment just to give the intrusive memories time to flow in and back out of her mind. There were countless slumber parties, fights, make-ups and karaoke nights spent at Charity's house.

Miko approached the house with ease as she heard Charity and her mom, Sherry yelling.

"Chil', if you're going to be the type of girl to act like a hot tamale you could at least keep it classy. Don't let everybody know." Sherry shouted.

"I'm sorry for what I did. But slut-shaming me? Real progressive of you mom."

"Get over yourself, Char. Your friend is missing, and you are constantly making it about you. Yes, you are dealing with a lot but so is her mother. So are her father and brother. You haven't even bothered to so much as tweet them."

Miko felt guilty for listening in. It obviously wasn't a good time and she had begun to turn around and leave. She heard Sherry speaking but couldn't understand what she was saying as she wasn't by the door anymore. One thing came through clearly though.

"No mom. I did it. I didn't mean too but I did."

There was silence inside the house from what Miko could hear. That didn't mean much because she felt that someone took a mallet and swung it into her chest.

Before she registered what was happening she was banging on the front door.

Sherry opened the door to invite Miko in.

"What did you do Char?" Miko felt as heartbroken as Sherry looked. Charity straightened her posture and lifted her head. She knew she was about to face down a mountain of questions and accusations. She also knew she deserved it.

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