35. fuck frank

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we woke up in the middle of the night to an alarm going off and i saw that it was actually 2am

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we woke up in the middle of the night to an alarm going off and i saw that it was actually 2am.

"what the hell?" i said as everyone got out of their rooms.

"jesus fucking christ." carl said with a yawn.

"smoke?" liam asked.

"does anyone smell smoke?" debbie asked.

"it's not the smoke alarm." carl said.

"where is that sound coming from?" i asked.

"you know, it could be a bomb." carl said.

"it's not a bomb, babe." i said him as i looked in the bathroom.

carl pointed to the attic and we went to pick up the latter.

"watch out, bud." i told liam.

carl held the latter as i checked inside the attic and saw a photo of ian with a note labeled miss me yet on an alarm clock.

"fucker. it's ian." i said showing everyone else.

"shithead." carl said as liam laughed.

"genius." liam said.

"oh, that's so sweet. he doesn't want us to forget him." debbie said as carl laughed.

"yeah, really sweet. waking us up at 2am. all right, let's go back to bed." i said.

carl and i went back into his room. lip and mel were at her apartment so they weren't here.


lip and mel came over in the morning to make us some breakfast.

"all right, guys, cereal or toast?" lip asked.

"do you have the stuff to make pancakes?" liam asked.

"pancakes? let's make pancakes." debbie said.

"all right, let me rephrase. cereal, toast, or nothing?" lip asked.

"lip, come on. you relax and i'll make the pancakes." mel told him as he kissed her.

"thank you." lip said as he sat at the table.

"if you don't marry her i will." debbie told lip.

"oh, what's with the suit? somebody die?" carl said seeing lip was ironing a suit.

"no, brads baby's getting christened today." lip explained.

"christening? is that where you get the wine and shitty little cracker?" carl asked.

"no, that's confirmation. christenings when you... waterboard the baby." debbie explained.

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