||5|| Tears

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Vida was exhausted, so when the sun peered through the curtains of the room, she let out a soft groan of frustration.

"Mmmm, if you wish to have the headboard beating the wall again, please continue." I deep voice whispered in her ear causing her to shudder. Her legs closed on there own accord and her heat began to throb, but she couldn't and wouldn't take anymore, for this wasn't what she wanted.

With a slow deliberate movement she found her own footing and stood from the bed. She was bare as the day she was born, but she didn't care, modesty was the last thing on her mind.

"I don't want this." Vida spoke as she grabbed her dress from the ground and slipped it on. The ache in-between her legs was a reminder of how rough and passionate Lennox was last night. He fucked her like a mad man. Used her like a toy, and bit her viciously numerous times. Every part of her ached when she thought about it. From her scalp, where Lennox had pulled her hair so hard, she'd thought he was trying to break her neck, to her hips from the beast spreading her so wide that she thought she would split in half.

Vida was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't realize Lennox stood in front of her until her gripped her chin and forced her eyes to meet his.

A gasp left her mouth as she stared at the deep black orbs that penetrated her very soul. She analyzed Lennox's face. The way his nostril flared, the hard wrinkles that graced his forehead, and the scowl he had on his face.

"You're angry." She said, her voice that of a small child.

"Livid. Furious. Angry does not do me justice." Lennox seethed. Vida whimpered when his grip tightened, but she knew he didn't care. No man ever did, so she aloud it, knowing she would be leaving the moment he let her go.

"I saved you! Brought you out of that whore house and killed the fucker who used and abused you!"

"I did not ask you to be my savior. You could have left me there." As soon as the words left Vida's lips, she regretted them. She knew her statement was that of an ungrateful woman, and she was indeed grateful. Lennox released her and took a step back as if Vida's had slapped him clean across his unshaven face.

"I'm sorry. I am grateful what you have done, but I must be honest with you. I don't want to be committed to anyone or anything right now."

"So what do you want Vida? I can give you anything your heart desires, but I can not let you leave me."

"And why is that Lennox? How are you any better than the man you saved me from, if you keep me here against my will?" When Lennox began to chuckle, Vida became confused. Why was he laughing when nothing was funny?

"Vida, please enlightenment on how you feel when I touch you."


Lennox stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Vida's waist, pulling her flush against him. Vida shudder at the contact and her eyes fluttered before closing. She loved when he touched her. He woke up every nerve ending in her body and she wanted nothing more than to feel that feeling forever. It was like swimming in a pool of liquid ecstasy and she never wanted to leave.

"Mmmm, you feel it don't you La'Vida? You feel me coursing through those beautiful veins." Lennox gripped Vida's ass roughly making her gasp and open her eyes.

"Don't you?"

His voice was low, and Vida swore he was some type of angel. Sent from the depts of hell to challenge her and see how far she would drown.

"Everywhere." She breathed out as her hands travelled up and intertwined themselves in his thick hair.

"I feel you everywhere. Why?" Vida asked. She didn't miss the way Lennox smiled at her. Not a half ass smile, but a smile that was enchanting. One that she put there with just a few words, and she couldn't help how her heart hummed at the sight of it.

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