||22||Boy O' Boy

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I am so grateful for all of my followers and readers. You guys have given me more than 12k reads in a little over a month and now this story is ranked #2 in steamy out of 15k stories I believe!! I'm so grateful!! So, so, so grateful and for that here is a double update! Love you all!!! 

Who was this man? That's all Vida could think as she stared at the handsome man that sat across from her. His wife was very beautiful, but he didn't focus on blacked haired woman. No, he only focused on her. She rubbed her belly and watched as his eyes watered.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Vida questioned as she finally found her voice. Lennox gazed flickered up to her and it held so many rare emotions. She saw sadness, hurt, anger.

"You don't know who I am?" Lennox questioned as he stood to his feet. His fist clenched and unclenched as Vida tilted her head slightly. He looked familiar but she didn't know exactly where she knew him from but she knew she felt that she knew him.

"Baby." She heard Hades voice and she turned to look at him. His eyes always made her feel something she couldn't describe.

"Yes Hades." Suddenly she felt compelled to sit down, and so she did. Her vision was hazy and she was feeling the need to sleep. "I need to sleep."

Lennox almost came unglued. He knew what Hades was doing to the love of his life but he was in Hades domain so there was no way of challenging him. Vida pulled away from Hades and began leaving the room. She felt someone grab her forearm and electric shot threw her. Her back arch, her breath left her body, and her shot to see who had touched her.


"Please remember me." He said. "You are carrying my child, LaVida. Please, remember." His voice was broken and distraught. Vida felt his words tug at her heart. She slowly pulled her arm out of his grasp and gave him a nod.

"Okay." With that she left the room to go lay down.

"Now that we are alone. What is it that you need Lennox?" That almost set the almost feral Lycanthrope off but he held his composure.

"You know damn well why I am here Hades. She is my mate; she is meant to be with me and she is carrying my child! I don't know what haze you have over her but make her remember me and let me take her home!!" His voice was a roar that shook Hades castle. The god of the underworld lifted an eyebrow.

"And what do I get Lennox. I gave her soul back to you and all you had to do was use a fucking condom. But no, you selfishly chose to fuck her raw and impregnant her. So, the deal is dead and she is mine. When your son is born, the I will free him to you and let him kill all the supernatural beings." Hades said mockingly. That was it for Lennox with a roar he shifted and jumped over the table. He raised his hand so swipe his nails through his chest but Hades was quick. The god held up his hand and Lennox froze in time. Hovering over the table growling.

"Ah, ah, ahhhhh. Now Lennox. You don't want to do that do you?" He closed his hand into a fist and Lennox let out a yelp of pain. Before falling onto the table.

"Hades, do you really want Vida here with you for the rest of eternity. Is she truly who you desire?" Rainee finally joined in on the interaction.

"Rainee, you know as well as I do that enjoy LaVida's company."

"But she isn't the same LaVida that you gave back. If she was you would have to cover her mind with a haze so that all she is aware of is her feelings. She'd want you freely." Hades narrowed his eyes at the witch who just looked back at him with a calm expression. Rainee knew she was right and she had the perfect plan in to store.

"I can retrain her." Hades said as he released his hold on Lennox. The large man turned back into his human form and glared at the god. He grunted as he moved himself from the table while eyeing Hades.

"How about we trade." Rainee counter. This peaked both men's attention as the stared at her intently.

"You give Lennox his woman and you can have me." Lennox mouth dropped and Hades mouth drew up into a smirk. Rainee and Hades had history that all the supernatural creatures knew about. He has wanted Rainee for centuries. She was the Queen of the witches. Power, strong and honestly stunning. She had denied Hades but now she was willing to trade her throne for Lennox.

"Now that sounds like something I can get behind." Hades raised his hand and snapped his finger. Suddenly a loud scream came from upstairs and minutes later LaVida burst in the room frantically.

"Where the fuck am I?" She screamed as she searched the room. Her eyes zeroed in on Lennox and she ran to him. He opened his arms to her and she ran to him but something stopped them from connecting fully. Vida then looked down at her stomach. She looked up to Lennox and laughed nervously.

"I-I don't know how this happen." Vida said to Lennox and the man just smiled. His hand came down on her rounded belly and the baby kicked. Vida gasped and Lennox eyes went wide.

"I'm all for a sentimental moment, but I think it's time I claim my prize." Hades stood and walked over to Rainee, he held his hand out and Rainee placed her hand in it.

"What's happening?" Vida questioned. Rainee gave her a genuine smile and then looked up to Lennox.

"Just helping you two have you happily ever after." She then walked over and touch both Lennox and Vida's forehead and just like that the two were standing in Rainee's cabin. Vida saw Lena and Trent before they saw her and she squealed.

"OH MY GOD!" Lena said as she turned and ran to Vida, but she halted her movements when she saw her Luna's belly. "OH MY GOD!" She screeched again but in a totally different context. Lena touched Vida's round belly and once again the baby kicked. Trent walked up and did the same thing and the baby kicked again.

"Wow." He said before changing the subject. "Where is Rainee."

With a grateful smile but a sad heart Lennox looked at Trent and told him what Rainee had done. He then told him and his sister to make there way to the Witch Colony and talk to Rainee's daughter. Lennox was sure Rainee would come back to verify to her people but he wanted to let them know immediately.

When Lennox and LaVida were alone, there was a thick silence.

"How did this happen?" Vida said looking down at her stomach.

"Let's not worry about that LaVida, lets get you to the pack doctor and see when you are due."

"What am I having? Do you know?" Vida asked Lennox and he smiled.

"A boy."

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