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The room was pitch black, just the way Vida wanted it. Her eyes were open but the darkness made her feel like she had gone blind, but she needed it that way. She needed to think.

She was dead.

Now she's alive.

Nothing makes sense, and now she must protect her baby from other supernatural creatures who are more than likely going to come after her. Vida rubbed her flat stomach and sighed. She couldn't feel the baby yet, but just knowing it was there put her in her happy place.

"Vida." A female voice came from the other side of the door followed by a soft knock. Vida didn't answer, she just continued to stare up at the ceiling she couldn't see as confusion wrapped itself around her like a cocoon. The door opened slowly letting the light from the living room peek in and then the light to the room came on. There in the door stood Lena and Trent. Vida sat up immediately, got off the bed and ran to them. They wrapped their arms around her in a small group hug and that's when the tears started.

"I'm so confused." Vida sobbed as she pulled away and looked at them both. "Why does Lennox keep lying to me? Why am I alive when I was once dead? Who was I before? What was I before?" She ranted and Lena gave her a small smile.

"All those questions Lennox will have to answer for you." Lena said. "We are here to help protect you and that bundle of joy growing in you."

"But no one knows about me being pregnant except for Summer and Wyatt." Vida watched as Trent and Lena shared a side glance. Something was wrong.

"Wait...I just found out that I'm reincarnated only hours ago. The trip to Dubai is almost fifteen hours long. That means you two were already on you way here...." She looked to Lena. "They already know don't they? Whoever oversees us already knows!"

Instant panic.

Vida started to sob uncontrollably and seconds later Lennox was bursting into the room. He looked at his sobbing woman and then to his Beta and sister.

"What the fuck is going on? What did you say?!" He yelled at Trent.

"As if you have the right to come in here and yell at us! Your best friend is the motherfucker who told the high council about Vida and her baby! Now the agreement with Hades is void and all fucking hell is about to break loose!" Trent yelled back and Vida froze. The sound of his name had memories flooding back like wild fire. Her body fell over and she began to shake violently.

"Her soul, that's what the lycanthrope king wants." I stood in the door way of my master's room, not daring to enter but only listening as a woman dressed in all black whose face is covered by a vail speaks with him.

"I can not do that." Hades said back. "She is my most prized possession. So sweet, so obedient and quite the fuck." He chuckled and then his eyes flickered up to meet mine. A smirk spread across his face as he raised his index finger and beckon me over. With my head down, I walk into his room. I didn't dare look up until her told me too.

"Sweet one, look at me." Hades said as he places a finger under my chin making me look up. When I did, he leaned forward and pecked my lips causing me to smile.

"Thank you." I said as he pulled away. The woman with the dark clothing and vails over her face tilted her head to one side as she processed our interaction. I could barely make out her face but I was sure she was beautiful. The woman that visited the underworld usually are.

"You see, so obedient and more beautiful than the rarest of roses. She is my favorite, so why should I let her go? What do I gain in return for giving up my companion?"

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