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Lennox paced outside of the room that Hades had assigned to Vida. She was in full blown labor and the screams that were coming from the other side of the door had him on edge. He wanted to be by her side, but she refused to let him close. Rainee assured him that some women are like this during child birth and when it was all over, Vida would more than likely cry over the way she had treated him.

The room to the door open and Rainee came out. She was covered in blood and looked panicked.

"Rainee." Lennox said slowly as he walked up to her. Rainee looked up and her eyes swelled with tears. Panicked wrapped itself around the large man and began to suffocate him. He pushed Rainee aside and ran into the room. The nymphs were hustling around. One was giving Vida water while the others moved around her lower half.

"What's going on?" The nymphs jumped at the sound of Lennox's voice. They all looked up to him but didn't speak.

"L-Lennox?" Vida moaned and in seconds he was by her side. He wrapped his large hand around his fragile one and kissed the back of it.

"I'm here baby. I'm here." Lennox said as he leaned forward and peppered her face with kisses.

"Sir, we need her to push." The nymph that was between her legs said. Lennox sat Vida up the best her could and began coaching her. After ten minutes a faint cry could be heard. The nymph pulled back with a smile and looked at them.

"A sweet boy." She said before handing the infant off to another nymph. Suddenly Hades and Rainee were in the room and standing on the other side of Vida. Rainee looked delighted but Hades expression held dread that transferred over to Lennox immediately. Something bad was going to happen, Lennox felt it in his bones.

"Push sweet Vida." The nymph said and Vida immediately did as told. Second later another cry sounded off in the room and the nymph held up Lennox's second son. Tears streamed down his face as he felt unimaginable joy.

"Come on baby, just two more times." Lennox whispered as he kissed the side of Vida's sweaty forehead. Vida cried out as she pushed out yet another small baby, but this time no cry was heard. The nymph looked frightened and Rainee immediately left Vida's side and grabbed the infant from the nymph.

"Why isn't he crying?" Vida said weakly as she looked at Lennox. He didn't know how to answer, so he didn't. Instead he coached her through her last push. The baby slipped from her womb with a loud wail and the nymph once again showed them their son before handing it off. She then started the process of removing the after birth and cleaning Vida. Lennox rushed over to Rainee who was surrounded by nymphs.

"Rainee, please." Lennox choked out. His soul knew what had happened but his heart and mind couldn't register it.

"Hades, do something!" Vida cried as she looked on from the bed. Hades gave her a true look of sorrow before exhaling deeply.

"HADES!" Rainee wailed next as she cried out for the small lifeless infant. Lennox couldn't speak as he turned and looked at the god with pleading eyes. When they made eye contact, the truth hit him like a ton of bricks. Lennox knew what Hades was about to say even before he said it.

"If I give back the child's soul, I will not go talk to the elders. But if you let me keep this child as my own, I will gladly free you of any worry in the mortal world." The room grew silent and Lennox fought the urge to shift and attempt to rip Hades apart.

"How dare you!!" Vida screeched. "Give us back our child!"

"How dare I?! I restored your soul even though I loved you with every fiber of my being. I aloud someone who gave me amazing companionship, to leave to love another!" Hades seethed. "All I asked for in return was for your womb. That meant that you were to bare my children, not his. So, I believe this is a fair trade."

"No!" Lennox roared as he lunged. Once again Hades immediately crippled him.

"You have three beautiful souls to love in the mortal world. All I am asking for is one. One single son of yours, in exchange for peace. Is that too much to ask?"

Vida sobbed uncontrollably into her hands. She didn't know what to say or do.

"Make your decision quickly. You have mere seconds before not even I can bring that child's soul back from my gates." Hades said as he aloud Lennox to stand. Lennox immediately went to Vida and wrapped her up in his arms. They shared a moment of heart ache and tears, but they both knew that there was no way around it.

"Can we visit him?" Vida said as she looked up to Hades.

The god of the Underworld gave her a curt nod.

"Baby no." Lennox said as he looked into Vida's eyes with fear. He couldn't believe she was even considering it.

"What other choice do we have Lennox? This will ensure that all of our boys grow up safe." His woman said with a sad smile and teary eyes. Lennox screwed his eyes shut and let out a sigh of defeat. His shoulders sulked as he turned to look at Hades. With a shaky voice he let out a simple word;


A flash of light swirled around the room and landed in the chest of the lifeless infant that Rainee held. Seconds later the small bundle cried out. Lennox and Vida let out cries of delight that immediately turned into sobs of sadness, for they would never get to watch the small soldier grow. When Rainee attempted to let them hold the boy one last time, both refused. They didn't want any form of attachment; it would be too hard. Hades then took the small boy from the witch's hand and in a cloud of smoke they both disappeared.

"You two are so brave." Rainee said as she bent to kiss both their foreheads. She then disappeared to give them time to rejoice and grieve at the same time. The nymph situated Vida in the bed so that Lennox could lay beside the mother of his children. They then slowly handed them all three babies. Lennox held two of them, while Vida held one as she began to breast feed him.

"Names?" Lennox said softly.

Vida looked down at the sweet boy she held in her arms. His hair was jet black, and when his eyes slowly opened, she smiled. He had a small mole on the middle of his forehead.

"How about we name you Tristen after your uncle?" Vida said softly. She then looked at the two boys that Lennox held. They two had jet black hair. The infant in his left arm had a small mole on his cheek.

"We will name him Ryan after Rainee." And the last infant had a small mole on his chin. "As for the last little guy, we will name him, August. In honor of the two vampires on earth who once tried to kidnap me but decided to help me instead." This caused Lennox to chuckle as he switched Ryan with Tristen so that the infant could breast feed. Tears continued to stream down Vida's face. She felt overwhelm sadness, guilt, and happiness. Three different emotions, battling within her.

"I love you Lennox, thank you for everything." Vida sobbed. Lennox leaned forward and kissed her salty lips passionately.

"We did what we had to do baby." He reassured.

They both then sat back in silence as Vida breast fed each child. Both wondering what would come of the little boy they allowed Hades to have. But for now, they both basked in the love and life of the children that they held.

For they would raise them to be strong and wise. They would love them unconditionally and they only hoped that one day, there son would understand and forgive them for what they had done.


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