||6|| Hello...GOODBYE

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Vida drank from her cup of orange juice after she finished the contents of her breakfast. She shared small glances with Lennox. Her mind was running wild with questions that she had no answers too and with emotions she wasn't quite sure were hers. Her fingertips glided over the bite mark that Lennox had left and when they did, she felt a tingle in her core, and Lennox's eyes met her gaze immediately. She watched as his eyes darkened and followed her finger tips.

"It's sore." Vida said softly and Lennox just furrowed his eyebrows.

"I apologize, it should be better in a few days." He said with a tight lipped smile. Vida didn't miss the way his body tensed and the air in the room seem to thicken. She cleared her throat and decided to change the subject.

"I'd like a job." She said with a small smile. "Nothing big, just something to get out of the house. It's been so long."

Lennox looked up at her and nodded his head once. Suddenly Vida felt isolated, unwanted and a bother. Ever since the man in front of her had expressed his emotions and cried to her, he then closed himself off. She couldn't read him at all, and it was starting to bother her. Why take her away from one asshole, only to be one himself. When her thoughts began to mix with her emotions, she found herself fuming.

"What is your fucking problem?" Vida spat before she could stop herself. She watched at Lennox stared at her without a word, but his knuckles were white from how hard he was holding his coffee mug.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, Lennox. You express your affection for me and then closed yourself off. You've been an asshole for the last two hours and I want to know why." Her voice was now a short distance from a scream as she began to stand. She walked around the table and stood beside him, both not willing to look away.

"Watch your mouth." Lennox said calmly. "Or I will watch it for you."

All the pinned up anger and frustration that Vida had felt for the last few years of her life came rushing out and before she could stop herself she had slapped him. Not a soft slap either. One that moved Lennox's entire head and a red spot immediately popped up when her hand had landed. She gasped and backed away. Usually when she did thing like this she felt no remorse, but this time she felt extreme guilt almost immediately.

"Lennox, I- "Her sentence was cut off when Lennox jumped from his seat and wrapped his hand around her throat. Not enough to cut off her airway but enough to hold her in place. He backed her into the kitchen wall. The maids scurried away and then they were alone.

"How dare you!" Lennox shouted in her face.

"Lennox!" Vida said as she tried to think of anything to justify her actions, but she knew she was wrong. Her body began to shake from fear of what was to come. Lennox was larger than her ex-husband and pimp combined and had the muscles of a beast. If he beat her, she'd die, and she knew that much. But what Lennox did next shocked her. He stepped back with his hand still around her throat and picked her up. Throwing her over his shoulder, he made his way of to the T.V room.

"What are yo- ".

"Shut up. Do not speak." Vida clamped her mouth shut immediately. The next thing she knew, Lennox was seated on the couch with her thrown over his lap. He lifted her small dress and ripped her thong from her body. Without any warning his hand came down hard on her ass and she let out a loud yelp. He landed a second blow to her other ass cheek and she whimper in both pain and pleasure. She could feel herself releasing juices and she squirmed, only to have to more hard smacks landed on her ass.

"Lennox!" She half shout and moaned.

"Let this be a lesson, Vida." He landed four more hard smacks to Vida's ass making her a moan, weeping mess.

"Do not ever lay your hands on me violently again."
Lennox started massaging her ass and Vida bit her bottom lip to stop the whimpers from coming out. Her face was wet from tears and her ass stung like no bodies business, but all and all, she was so turned on.

"Do you understand?" Lennox asked as he sat her up and made her straddle him.

"Yes sir." Vida said softly as she looked down at her hands. Lennox gripped her chin and made her look at him before speaking again.

"I prefer, Yes baby."

"Yes baby." She then purred suddenly feeling her body radiate with heat. Lennox immediately responded by gripping her waist and thrusting upward into her wet heat. In the process he gained a wet patch on the front of his sweats. Before the two could get too hot and heavy there was a knock on the door.

Lennox groaned into Vida's neck and she found herself giggling. She jumped off his lap and made her way to the door. When she opened it, her face fell. Standing in front of her was a drop dead gorgeous woman dressed in nothing, but a rain coat and it was in no way raining outside. Her long red hair was vibrate in contest with her dark brown eyes. The freckles on her face made her look young but her wrinkles countered that theory.

The woman stepped over the threshold and brushed past her while eyeing her suspiciously. When the woman saw Lennox her scowl grew to a smile and Vida felt her heart drop to her stomach.

"Hi baby. How are you?" The woman said as she wrapped her arms around Lennox neck who was now standing. What surprised Vida more than anything was the fact that Lennox wrapped his arms around the woman's waist and kissed her lips gently. When he did Vida let out a hiss when pain shot through her body.

"Who is that woman?" Vida heard her ask Lennox and her heart sunk further at his answer.

"She's just the new maid baby."

"Oh, okay. Well can we go upstairs and have some fun. I have a surprise for you." The woman purred and when Lennox scooped her up into his arms and began to take the giggling woman up the stairs, Vida's agony only increased.

What was going on? Who was that woman and who was she to Lennox?

Vida wanted answers to all these questions, but she decided in that moment that she wouldn't stick around to find out the answer. She stood on two shaky legs and with no regard for her things, money or anything else, she ran out of the large house and didn't stop until she was standing on the other side of the estate.

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