"kariya-kun, are you okay?"
The teal-headed defender snapped back to reality and stared at a boy with purple hair. The boy looked at him in worry because the latter was not the mischievous and troublesome boy like usual, he also noticed the stress the tealnette had at the clubhouse but kept silent about the matter.
"Why wouldn't I be?" Stated the hunter-like boy.
Just as the concerned boy was about to answer, the others called out to the two of them, stating that all of them should went home and continue their search tomorrow. The others agreed, and Kariya was a little hesitant about going home but still complied.
[Somewhere at Inazuma Town]Five kids were croached down behind some wooden boxes that was piled down at the corner. They were trying to catch their breaths as they kept running continuesly before, until they found something to hide from their chaser who was not around their area for now.
Rina moved slightly to the edge of the wooden box and stared at the direction of where she and her company ran from. She heaved a sigh when there was no one coming then glanced worrily at her friends, they were currently being chased by the men who took them because, just as obvious as it is, they escaped.
And it seemed that the others' heavy breathing won't stop anytime soon for they were the ones who tried and did all of the tricks they could think of just to not make their chaser reach them, while the female pinkette just continued running and the only thing that she contributed was giving advices of what to do next.
Well, at least I helped them to make that man slow down....
"Push those planks down!"
She continued to run while the boys stopped and did as they were told and succeeded. The boys soon followed after her, they turned to the right where some piles of an dilapidated wooden boxes that sooner or later will crumble down to dust.
The female pinkette got out of her thoughts when a huff was heard from the tanned boy next to her.
"Your welcome from saving you earlier." He stated with some tone that everyone could say that he's saying the opposite. He crossed his arms and glared at the girl who was not tired at all.
Sarcastic much..?
Rina smiled apologetically at him and the other three who kept silent and just stared at the two. "I'm sorry about that but thanks."
"That's okay, as long as we are fine."
Another huff was heard. "Yeah, we are fine but we are tired." Kurama was right though, they were tired but most especially the boys. Rina couldn't help but feel sorry for the four of them, this was her plan to escape after all. "I'm sorry again about dragging you to this."
They kept silent for awhile but smiled at her and nodded that indicates that it's okay. They knew sooner or later their chaser will appear along with his companions but Kirino and the others leaned at the cement wall to take some rest first.
"But next time.." Hamano said "Do your best at helping us with a useful contribution, okay?" He finished and smiled teasingly at the pinkette.
"But boys are responsible enough to do this kind of stuff since girls are weak and fragile, should it not~" she smiled sweetly.
A backfire.
That was mean Rina-san...
Those 4 boys sweatdropped and couldn't help themselves but to just chuckle at her words.
Fast update, right? I am surprised as well... Tehee!
The only reason was I got the time in my hands and NO HOMEWORKS was given to me. Yehey!! I hope this keeps up.
Bye bye for now!

[Her Between The Past And The Future]
Fiksi PenggemarHIATUS FOR A MOMENT!! WILL CONTINUE AFTER MY SECOND BOOK IS DONE!! Things were peaceful when days went pass by after Earth eleven left. But how can things change drastically when some group of teenagers came to Raimon saying that they want Earth for...