Chapter five;

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My dad died from cancer when i was 10, it
Was really hard on mom, she became depressed and wouldn't eat. I had to take care of her most of the time, it was a hard time but now she's getting better, she sometimes cry whenever his anniversary comes around.

It's 5:30 pm I get a call from Haley.

"Hey ellbear."
Haley says

"Hey halbear."
I say

"Ya got any plans? I'm free right now and would love to see my best friend."
She tells me

"Uh no but I don't really want any company today, maybe next time."
I say

"Ah uh... alright that's fine, next time it is, I'll see you then goodbye."
She says

"Okay bye,"
I say while hanging up

I go over to the kitchen to get my car keys from the counter, I grab it then head to the door, it's pretty chilly out so I put on my sweater, I'm walking to my car and see someone who I've never seen before, she has short blond hair, brown eyes, long legs and torso, long arms,
with a body of a model. She has on a dress that's pink with black heels.

"Hey,I'm Amanda Bailey I'm the new neighbor."
She tells me as she's walking up to me

"Hi I'm ella rose Salvatore-mikaelson. It's nice to meet you Amanda."
I tell her as I'm opening my car door

"It's nice to meet you too ella but please call me amy"
She says with a smile.

"Okay amy."
I say

"what school do you go to?"
She tells me

"Back bay high"
I tell her

"Wow that's awesome, I'm transferring there, would you mind helping me with my things,"
She says

"Yeah, that's cool!, and uh sure."
I say

"Thank you,"
She says as she gives me a box

We head into her house, it's empty considering she just moved, there's a couch in the living room. We head upstairs to her room, she has a bunk bed with a desk. There's books and bands and singers on her wall.

"Well this is my room."
She says

"It's pretty cool, you must be a bookworm since you a lot of books."
I say

"Yes I am a bookworm, I love reading a lot it makes me a better person and one day I would like to become a writer myself and have a book on nyt best seller."
She tells me as her face lights up

"Honestly, I think if you put your mind into it then it will become true, just don't give up."
I tell her

"Thank you so much that means a lot."
She says

"No problem amy."
I tell her

"Would you like to stay over and hang out?"
She asks

"Uh sure I'll hang out, just have to call my mom to let her know."
I tell her

"Alright, I'm going downstairs to get us something to eat, I'll be right back."
She says as she gets up and goes downstairs

I say

I text my mom to let her know where I am at,
Then I get a text from Haley.

"Do you want to hang out now?"
She texts

"I'm pretty busy sorry."
I reply

"Okay sorry to bother bye."
She replies back

"Your not bothering me at all."
I reply

"Are you sure, it's like your shutting me out or something."
She texts

"Haley Marie Matthews! I would never shut you out you are my best friend in the entire world."
I reply back

"Thank you, Ella I would never shut you out either, I'll call you later bye"
She replies

"Okay bye , and Awww lol"
I reply

There's amy, with some snacks and soda, it looks delicious, she walks over to sit on her soft carpet, she puts the plate of food down and sits next to me.

"So how is it going."
She says

"I'm good thank you for asking, how are you."
I tell her

"That's good, and I'm good thank you."
She says

"Where are your parents?"
I ask

"My mom is a flight attendant so she's no really home, dad is a lawer."
She says

"Wow that must be hard, no siblings?"
I say

"Yeah it sometimes is but it's fine I know how to take care of myself and no siblings I'm an only child how about you?"
She says

"I'm sorry about that and I have a older brother his name is jake, he's in college, so I don't see him much."
I say

"It's fine and I'm sorry you don't see your brother."
She says

"It's fine, he usually comes home for vacations."
I tell her

"Do is ella your actual name or nickname."
She asks

"Mhm... it's a nickname, my real name is elliana but I like going by ella."
I tell her

"I love the name elliana it's beautiful just like you."
She says

"Thank you and you're pretty as well."
I tell her

"No problem anytime and never."
She says

"You totally are!"
I tell her

"So any boyfriends or crushes!?"
She asks

"Yes actually one guy,"
I tell her

"Ohhhh, and who might this lucky fella be?"
She asks

"Can't say sorry."
I say

"Ah Alright I get it."
She says while laughing.

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