Dua 5

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رَبَّنَا لاَ تُؤَاخِذْنَا إِن نَّسِينَا أَوْ أَخْطَأْنَا

Rabbana la tu'akhidhna in-nasina aw akhta'na

Word by Word:

Rabbana: Our Lord

la: Don't

tu'akhidna: take us to task

in: if

nasina: we forget

aw: or

akhta'na: we error

Translation: Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error [2:286]

Tafseer: The prayer made here is that God should not subject them to the severe tests and the terrible persecutions and hardships undergone by their predecessors. It is God's law that those who commit themselves to follow Truth and righteousness are subjected to severe tests and tribulations, and it is a believer's duty to meet them with patience and fortitude. At the same time, the believer should always pray that God may make it easy for him to follow the path of Truth and righteousness.

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