Chapter 2

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~ Nia

" No miss i have your picture, your Nia Lovato "

" How can i know your not a kidnapper? Plus i'm not A Lovato "

" Miss Lovato is waiting in the limo "

" What her royal highness couldn't come out of the limo "

" I'm sorry miss, i don't know what to say, here give me your luggage "

" Its not your problem its fine, plus i can handle my own luggage thank you"

I went to the limo and instantly felt uncomfortable

~ Demi

I felt butterflies when i sent the limo driver cause i just couldn't handle it and i didn't wanna do anything infront of the public as she entered the car i felt butterflies in my stomach

" Heyy i'm demi! "

" I know " she said while closing the limo door

" Your mother sais your a lovatic "

" Nah i just like your music and your story "

" Haha so that means your a lovatic "

" Nah i'm not obsessed with you, whatever where we goin'? "

She seemed so cold but i knew that she was only scared, but i kinda expected a different reaction not gonna lie

" Umm we can go to my house? "

" Where is the person who gave birth to me? "

"Look hon, i didn't even know so if your gonna hate me for something i couldn't stop go ahead " i teared up, she wiped my tear

" Even though she doesn't mean anything to me doesn't mean i'm willing to give this a try "

" great! So do you wanna go to the house? Or do you wanna eat out? "

" Whaat and be seen by me? No no " she said

We arrived at my house before i could say anything she opened the door and went by the door

" Thank you, i'l call you if i have a special occasion okay? "

" Anytime mrs Lovato "

I opened the door and entered after Nia

" Hey what was that all about? The part where you were making a smart ass comment? "

" Nothing, we get it i'm not good enough to be a Lovato member " she said while tearing and ran to the bathroom

~ Nia

I felt like shit srsly plus i didn't want her to see me crying so i ran to the nearest place i saw which was the bathroom and i locked the door immediately and began crying/ i heard knocks on the door

" Hon, hon open the door, we need to talk "

I wiped my tears " there is nothing to talk about " i finished my crying and i got out of the bathroom, i saw demi waiting by the door

She carried me to the couch " Baby i'm sorry if i gave you the wrong message but the truth is.."

" I'm done , i don't care what you think of me "

" Yes you do and i am not embarrassed of you i just don't want you going through the hate maddie goes through, i want you to live a normal life "

My phone started ringing

Ass Is calling....

" Ass is calling" Demi told me while laughing

I snatched the phone and answered

~ phone convo

" heyyy ass "

" Why didn't you tell me that you were traveling? I bought you a dr pepper! I thought you were coming to the beach house plus all the family is asking about you they are saying that it isn't fun without you"

" Look i'm sorry it was just too much, HEY YOU BOUGHT ME WHAT! Not fair i wanna splash too "

" Tough one Lovato "

" Don't call me that "

" Chill i'm kidding i just called to tell you that you love me and that you cant stay away from me "

" Hahaha you wish "

" Talk to ya later "

" Later"

Then he hung up

" Why you spyin' on me? "

" Not spying just listening " she giggled

" Yeah like there is a difference "

She scooted near me, i felt so awkward

" So tell me "

" Tell you what demi? "

" Tell me about your boyfriend"

" Haaah what? No he's not my boyfriend"

Demi lovato's long lost sisterWhere stories live. Discover now