Chapter 30

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~ Demi
I was beyond worried rn
"This guy came and stabbed my -"
She was giggling
"YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME" i said trying to seem angry but gigging too
"God how much I missed you mads"
3 days passed then my whole family left, I needed to be with Nia, I missed her so much!
Then i had an amazing idea
Calling Stupid ass mar
" Demi its 3:00 am what the fuck? "
"You said to call you if I needed anything right?!"
She paused for a second and her voice went to normal
" Demi you okay? Are you having nightmares? Are you-"
"Chill your tits woman! No I just have an amazing idea! "
" go on "
" Look remember the mask stuff thingy we made? The one where you put it and i look like you and you look like me "
"Huh? "
" the masks! "
" ohh the removable thingy masks? "
" yeah! Do you still have yours? "
" yeah i think so, why? "
" your finishing off my tour!, and imma pretent to be you"
"And why would you wanna be me mrs creepydal "
" wtf is creepy dal? " i laughed
" idk dems its like 3:00 "
" fine fine anyway i heard Mads talking, she said that Nia wanted to go to public school so imma be a teacher there and i'l pretend to be you"
" what makes you so sure that they'l except me, i mean you as a teacher?"
" leave that stuff to me + i get to be with my family "
" we are forgetting one thing Dem"
" that is? "
" YOUR VOICE! , i'm not talented ya know "
" thats all figured out, you can lip sing"
" finee! Can i go to sleep now? "
" no, come on the next plane over here pleaaase? Sleep on the plane "
" ugggg finee" she's always cranky in the morning
A day passed, i was now in Dallas Texas and Mar was touring it was a success so far, tomorrow was my first day teaching the 9th graders, which means teaching Nia!
I tried sleeping but i was so exited ahanzbzb,but eventually I did fall asleep. I woke up by the sound of my alarm and then i took a quick shower wore something which only Mar would wear and went to school, i was the homeroom teacher for Nia's class and I also taught creative writing, which students would pick either creative writing or photography class. I just cross my fingers that Nia would be in my creative writing class
My class was the first period, i still didn't see Nia and the class has started 3 minutes ago
" Hello students, My name is mrs L- Callahan"
Then suddenly a girl came in rushing
" umm sory miss"
I stared into her eyes, that was my baby girl
" umm have a seat and we'l talk after class "
" oooooooh" everyone said and Nia giggled
" shhh i'm your homeroom teacher so you'l only see me 20 minutes everyday but you guys can either chose creative writing or photography class"
The class finished and Nia stayed
" umm do I know you from somewhere? " Nia asked
" no " i said quitely, teares were threatening to slip
" mrs are you okay? "
" umm yeah.. Why were you late?"
" i kinda got lost, it's my first day today" she said with that undescribable tone that I loved so much!
" ITS MINE TOOO! " I said so exited
" you know you sound like litterly like my sister.."
" i do? " i said my heart was beating so fast
" yes " she said while a tear slipped down her cheek
" hey hey calm down do you wanna talk about it?"
"SEE! You sound just like her! "
" i gotta go miss"
" wait.. Are you signing up for-"
" creative writing. I'l talk to you later "
Well that means i'l see her last period,okay teaching is harder than I thought! But demi you
It took like ages for last period, BUT FINALLY ITS LAST PERIOD YAAY
" Hey guyss!" Everyone said "hi" and sat in groups
"Nia come sit here"
" nia over here "
" Niaa come over here "
Seems like Nia made some friends. I smiled at the fact how Nia was so social
" Nia take a seat please?" She sat in a group anyway
" So guys first of all can you umm Jake right? Hand in these notebooks? I want you guys to design them, i'l give you time in class and it can be as creative as you want"
" Yes miss its Jake and sure i will "
I smiled and nodded
" So guys now your first topic is, write about someone you miss or someone who hurt you its up to you "
My phone rang and i exused myself while they were writing
"hey mar" i said in a whisper
" Demi what should i do in M&g? "
" Just smile and be goofy, be me i guess" i said in a whisper
" How is your teaching job? "
" Tiring but Nia is worth it so" i whispered again
" Well i gotta go ttyl"
" okay love you" i whispered and hang up
The bell rang
" Leave your notebooks here and be sure to bring creative stuff for next class"
Everyone left except for Nia
" Can can I hug you? "
I hugged her without saying a word I missed her so much
" Demi this is you right?"
" what? "
" i know your hugs, i know your voice I know how silly you are I know you inside out"
" look Nia-"
" don't lie to me please, please tell me that you are Demi" Nia said while crying
I removed my mask and Nia looked shocked

Demi lovato's long lost sisterWhere stories live. Discover now