Chapter 16

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~ Nia


" You know what forget it i have to get ready for my show! But we'l talk later"

" We are? i don't see what the big deal is Demi.. It was just 4 days "

" Were you planing on talking to me? "

Ofc i wanted to talk to you but its hard for ppl to tell me that i'm not good enough to be your sister!

" Thats what i thought, i gotta go "

She hung up

Well thats just great Demi hates you, a tear fell down and then i decided to check twitter, BAD IDEA

I saw hate stuff ALOT of hate stuff and it just hurt, it's like they know i talked to Demi

" Bitch let her go kill herself, who is she to be sisters of the amazing Demi Lovato?!"

" Lol she's not Demi's sister she's way too ugly "

" Fat cow go die "

I started crying in my room and Dallas came

" Honey you okay? "

" Yeah i'm fine just having a bad stomach ache "

" Thats not gonna work on me "

I handed her my phone and she looked disgusted " hon don't you dare listen to them okay? Baby your perfect and anyone who doesn't think that could fuck off "

" Thanks Dall" i hugged her and we went downstairs

~ Dallas

I have to talk to Demi.. This poor girl can't go through this

" Hey Nia, go put on your swimsuit i wanna ride the jet ski!! "

" Alright!!!!" Nia said while running to her room

calling Dems

" Hello" Demi said with a sleepy voice

" Demi wake up i need to talk to u about something important "

" Whats wrong Dall? "

" Look Nia-"

" Look forget it i gotta go" she hung up

Why the fuck was she acting like a bitch

Nia had a tear

" Nia honey from when were you here?"

" Just now, come on lets goo"

We spend too much time together and we became really close

" Its time for me to leave"

She hugged me tight " i love you so much! I'm gonna miss you "

" Baby i'l miss you way more "

" now promise you won't forget me "

She seemed really sad and i was too

" I promise! I love you"

~ nia

Dallas left then Austin came

" Hey stupid"

" Hey ass what ya doing here? "

" I missed my best friend "

" Who? "

" You bitch "

" Haha shut up ass "

" You in the mood for something? "

" No no no don't you dare do anything "

He carried me into the water


" As you wish" he threw me in the water

We spent the whole day together then i went to my room and took my phone from the charger

4 new messages


"Hey babe i miss you already😭❤️"


" Heeeey how are you? You haven't face timed me today?"


"You ready to talk?"

" the question is are you?"

Instantly she replided

" Whats that suppose to mean! I can't do this over text we gotta talk properly!"

" how about face time? "

" How about face to face? "

Someone knocked on my door

~ Demi

" Come in "

" Nia.. We need to talk "


" Stop acting like you care, lose the enthusiasm"

" why are u acting like this huh? " She looked at me hurt i felt bad

"Why didn't u speak to me huh? Didn't u like being my sister? " I softened my tone


" Then what is, tell me! "

" I don't wanna talk about it "

" Nia! "

" LOOK I JUST CANT KEEP UP OKAY? I HAVE TO BE PERFECT AND I'M NOT AND IM SO DONE WITH HATE ITS LIKE I HAVE TO WORK TO BE YOUR SISTER, and i am willing to work but then i remember how perfect you are and how busy you are and i don't wanna ruin your life"

" Nia..-"

Demi lovato's long lost sisterWhere stories live. Discover now