32; fix

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"If Yunho hadn't called, the man would have been too late and I would not sit here now."

Mingi proceeded to tell Jongho about his fear of the same thing happening to him again if anyone found out about his sexuality and told him everything else he had told Yunho as well.

Jongho nodded slowly, when Mingi was finished with his story. "I'm glad. I'm mad at you, but I'm also glad." Mingi looked up in confusion: "Elaborate." "I'm glad you finally decided to stop bullying Yeosang. He really doesn't deserve to be faced with a dick like you. I was always against what you did all that time, but I was scared to object you. I was fucking scared of you, hyung! Do you even know what an effect you can have? I'm mad! How could you do something like that to Yeosang? Especially when you experienced it yourself? What the fuck went wrong in that stupid head of yours?" "That's exactly what I told him as well", Yunho said with a sad smile, "I decided to help him fix what there is to fix. Are you in?" Jongho nodded. "I'll help you as well. I'm still your best friend you know. I'll always be there for you." Mingi tackled Jongho into a hug. Tears were rolling from his eyes from the relieve he felt after hearing those words from his best friend. "Thank you! Thank you so much!", he whispered.

He had anticipated a whole different reaction from the younger. Didn't he participate in bullying Yeosang? Didn't he partly cause the problem as well? Mingi thought back. Jongho was never the one who would initiate a fight, he was never the one who would yell "There he is" whenever he saw Yeosang scurry behind a corner. He was always just there and tagged along. Apparently out of fear.

"There is something I should probably tell you as well", Jongho said when Mingi had eventually let him go, "Now that you're out to me and I don't have to fear your reaction anymore... Do you remember the guy from the mall?" Mingi nodded. "I might have a tiny little crush on him. Okay maybe it's a pretty big crush, but you get my point."

Mingi smiled. "Wow. That's really not what I expected back then", he laughed. They talked about some light-hearted things like Jongho's crush and how he got his number. And also about a few harder topics, like how Mingi would manage to stop Jaeyeol and Namgu from bothering Yeosang.

"They aren't like me. They do enjoy bullying him. I think we should just tell them to stop. That we changed our minds. Let's just be straightforward", Jongho suggested. Mingi nodded. "And we have to apologize to Yeosang. Or should I say we need to beg for his forgiveness?", Mingi said with a sad smile earning a nod from the other two in return. "Let's do that tomorrow and hope all goes well."

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