Part 6

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        "Peter! Peter! Peter! Drogo's pestering me!" Why Lorie? Why? She opens the door so hard, that it slams against the wall, and throws herself in my arms, almost knocking me over. "What's going on?" I ask her. "I was playing hunters and princesses, the princess was Drogo, and he bit my hunter, but it's the princesses who are supposed to die!" She sobs. Ha. Princess Drogo. "You know that Drogo is a bad sport Lorie. He hates losing..." I say. ''But, he was playing the princess. And princesses, well, they die!" She says in a matter-of-fact tone. "Now she won't be able to spend time with my brother!" Lorie says in her mind. She came in here on purpose? "Thanks a lot Peter. For taking the time to play the piano with me. I loved it!" Jane says. I loved it too. Especially being able to see your beautiful smile. I smile at her, and she smiles back. She's so beautiful. She may not know it, but she's the definition of beautiful. I could lose myself in her eyes. "We can do it again if you like..." I say. My eyes wander over her perfect curves. "You know where to find me!" She says. She winks at me, and I smile again. She leaves my room, and I stare at her perfect ass. I completely forget about Lorie until she taps me. "Tell Drogo to stop!" She says. "Ok ok. Fine." I say.

I don't know if I'm more angry at Drogo for acting up when I was alone with Jane, or if I'm more angry at Lorie for interrupting us. She pulls me to her room. 

Drogo is sitting on the edge of her bed on his phone. "Drogo, will you stop teasing her?" I ask him. "Okay, I'm sorry. She needs to go to bed anyways." He says, without looking up from his phone. "Get out!" I say to him. He gets up and leaves. "Lorie, you do need to go to bed, okay?" I tell her. "Ok." She says. I clean up her toys. She comes out dressed for bed, and climbs into her bed. "Read me a story!" She demands. We really shouldn't let her be so spoiled and demanding, but all of us feel sorry for her. She's stuck in a child's body for eternity. I let her choose a book, and I read to her.

After tucking Lorie into her bed, I turn off the lights, and leave her room. I see Drogo in the hallway, beside Nicolae's door. "What are you doing?" I ask him. "Shit up! Nic's on the phone with Viktor, and I wanna know what he's saying!" He says. We both listen through the door. "Yes, this one is better than the other one's!" He says. "No, he isn't sleeping with her! At least he better not be." He says. "He's talking about you!" I whisper to Drogo. He rolls his eyes. "You wouldn't let me sleep with her, even of I wanted to!" He says with a smirk. "Fuck you!" I tell him. "Okay, yes I know! Goodbye!" Nic says. We turn around, and start walking away, when we hear the door open, and a hand on our shoulders. Shit! "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Nicolae says. ''What does it look like we're doing?" Drogo says, with his sarcastic tone. "What makes you think you have the right to eavesdrop on my conversations?" He asks. He's very mad now. "Ok, I'm sorry. It won't happen again! I promise!" I tell him. Drogo stays silent. He's not gonna give in yet, I know him. "Drogo, go wait for me downstairs. We're gonna talk. Peter, go to your room! Now!" He says. Drogo doesn't even listen, and pulls out his phone. Nicolae snatches it from his hands. "Downstairs, Drogo! Now! I'm not in the mood for your bullshit today!" I hear Nicolae yell at Drogo as I go to my room. I chuckle at them. It's true, that they can be quite funny sometimes. Especially when Drogs is acting up. "Give me my damn phone!" Drogo yells. "Sit down and listen to me!" Nicloae says back. I hear the door slam. "Drogo, get back in here this instant!" I hear thw spumd of Drogo's car starting, before hearing him drive off. After a few minutes, I hear Nic walking through the hallway, and his door slams shut. I sit at my desk and start on my homework, laughing.

Authors Note: I'm sure something like this wouldn't have actually happened in the story, but I thought it might be fun to write something with Drogo. We all love him!

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