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War. Endless war in the depths of Hell. Heaven, bright and beautiful. My name is Sia, this may be shocking to you but I am an angel... and a demon. My father is an angel and my mother is a demon. She in fact was Hades right hand girl. My father, swore protector of God. How did they end up together you may ask. Well I do not even know. All I know is I do not see them often and I am in danger. Running from Hades and his demons. I am hiding out below on Earth, acting as if I am a normal 18 year old girl. My life is messy, complicated, if you can't tell already. This is how I fell in love with a boy and became the most admired angel heaven has. This is how my fellow demons hate me, swear they will hunt me down one day. Welcome to my,
"Secret Identity."

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