Why are you here?

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I stare at her in aw. What the heck is she doing here!? I haven't seen her in so long. "Nana you are beautiful as ever.. new glow huh." I say to her. "Stop it Sia. I have to act like a human if I'm here right? How in the name of Hades do you hide your wings for soooo longgggg. I've been doing this for only twenty minutes and it hurts!" She shouts. I laugh at her sudden comment. "Ya it's tough. It sucks actually ." I say. We sit down and we talk. "Why are you here? What did my father say? IS HE OKAY!?" I say frantically. I'm so scared and nervous because angels aren't aloud down here. She sighs and sips her tea that Aaron got for her. Finally she talks. "Sia there is talk. A fellow demon is roaming around here looking for you, and also your mother... is well looking for you. She isn't too happy either.... I was listening in to some of the angels conversations and someone mentioned Riley... saying her time is limited and so is everyone here. I think a war is starting and God doesn't know what to do. Your father sent me to bring you back to heaven to hide.. the demons want you and will not stop till you are there back in Hell!" She says with tears in her eyes. My eyes began to water. I've never seen Nana cry. I didn't think she could. I've never seen another angel cry. Aaron comes out of nowhere and sits down and says, "Nana what can I do to protect Sia and Riley. What do I have to do.. I'll do anything to help." He grabs my hand and won't let go. Nana smiles lightly and stares at our hands. "You two are adorable. Your father, Sia is rooting for you two." She says. I smile at her comment and so does Aaron. "Aaron you cant do much but what you can do is tell Riley and Ben they must go, it is not safe anymore." Nana finally looks up from our hands and stares at Aaron. "That's not happening. I'm not leaving her again. And Riley will just come in here and practically tie Sia down to a chair if she has to. She can't lose her best friend." Aaron says sternly and stares directly back at Nana not even blinking for one second.
It's no use, Aaron does not want me leaving and Nana says I have to. I know the right choice is to leave everyone and go to heaven and be by my dad's side. But then.. I don't want to leave the people I love down here. It could get messy down here and who will help fix it? The angels certainly won't come here and fix it. "Nana I'm staying. You can stay here with me and help me... we can protect Riley together!" I finally say. Aaron stops and then turns and stares at me. He smiles a little. Nana is speechless... "Me... see Riley?" She says. Finally it hits her she starts to actually cry. "Nana yes... you can see Riley." I say again.

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