Damion's POV

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I get in the car with dad and surprisingly he lets me drive. "You are joking?" I say to him. "Just don't tell your mother. She will kick my ass." Dad says.
We park and I head on inside the school. Welcome to Princeton High... I walk in and immediately I smell weed and alcohol. Damn it's only 7:10 in the morning! I find my way to my first period, Spanish. Dad teaches me Spanish so this class is gonna be pretty simple. Everybody knows everybody and I'm the new kid in town.. I sit in the back of class hoping I don't get called on for anything. This one girl keeps staring at me from across the room. I tilt my head and stare back at her. "Katalina! Pay attention!" The teacher shouts. Huh Katalina what a beautiful name. Mom texts me so I text her back. " how is first period!? You alright? Did you take your meds this morning?" - Mom. "Ya mom I did and it's okay, this girl keeps staring at me though and something seems off." I type.
Time skip, Lunch 12 pm
I sit at lunch alone till Katalina comes over. "Hey handsome." She says. "Uh hi?" I say back quietly. "Wanna skip next period and have some fun?" She says to me. "Sorry can't it's my first day and I'm trying not to be one of those kids." I say back a bit harsher then I meant. Then it hits me, she isn't human. I see a tattoo on her right arm, she isn't good at hiding it. "You're a demon..." I say softly. "You better come with me angel boy. Or daddy gets it." She whispers in my ear and walks off. What the fuck does she mean!? I reluctantly follow her to the bathroom. "Get out!" She yells at two girls and they run off. She pins me to the wall and whispers in my ear. "I'm taking you." She says. "Ya no!" I say and punch her in the stomach. I run out of the bathroom and she runs after me. I go up the stairs and I run into my dads class. It's his lunch break so no kids are there. I run in lock the door and put a chair up against it and close all blinds. "DAD CALL MOM!" I say. "What's wrong?" He asks me. "Some demon girl just tried fucking me that's what!" I say back. "Well fuck." Dad says.  "Dad how do I fight her off! Mom taught me some stuff but I don't know if I can control myself." I tell him. "It's okay. Just kick her ass 🤷🏽‍♀️" Dad says. Wow thanks for the help dad so kind.

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