How old are you again?

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I step outside and Daunte hits me across the face. "Ouch.." I say. "You little bitch..." he says. All of a sudden a car pulls up and he starts shooting at Daunte. "Whatever the fuck this is laced with hurts..." He whispers. I shout to Aaron to keep doing it. I quickly kick Daunte and he falls. Asher is still holding Nana. "Shoot and it will hit her first!" He shouts. Aaron never misses... I think to myself. "You sure about that?" Aaron says. He aims the gun to Asher's head and shoots him twice. He falls down and I rush and grab Nana. "Go inside!" I tell Aaron and instead Aaron shoots Daunte like 4 more times in the face. Just to be safe I suppose. "Is Damion okay!" Aaron shouts. "He's safe but uh he's glowing." Riley says.  I rush over to Damion and see he is definitely glowing. "He's aging." I say stunned. "When something traumatic happens and a half angel half human child is here they grow up faster then anything. They stay looking like a teenager for there whole life." Nana says. "Nana you are awake!" Riley shouts and hugs her. "Does this mean our baby is gonna like come out of this glowing phase looking manly like me?" Aaron says. "Indeed it does." Nana says. "Oh gosh I just bought diapers too." I say.
"He's been glowing for two hours." Aaron says. " I know! Sorry I didn't take a course in this stuff!" I say back a bit harsher then I meant. "Calm down it'll be ok Nana is there." Riley says. Nana walks out looking drained as fuck. "Wow uh Sia wine?" She says. Wine always charges her up. I grab a glass and pop open a bottle and give her some. "I forgot how amazing your guy's wine was." She says and smiles. "Damion is um 16." Nana says. "You are kidding!?" We all about. "He's been here for a while. Like he knew. It's strange. Your father told me he may age quickly but not like this. So I suggest you two be at least in your twenties." Nana says. "Hot fuck." Aaron says. I go into the room and see Damion sitting there naked. "Uh clothes anyone?" He says with his back turned. "AARON GET CLOTHES!" I shout. He runs and gets clothes and comes into the room. "Hi..." Aaron says. "Hi dad." Damion says. "Your voice is so manly what the heck." I say quietly. "Mom I can hear you." Damion says and laughs. "Good hearing like your mom sometimes is a curse." Aaron says and winks. "Dad ew stop!" Damion says and shakes his head. Riley and me bust out laughing. Nana is confused " why? What's wrong with it?" She says. "You pure child stay pure." I say. She finally puts it together and yells "EWWW STOPPPP!" We all laugh. "I guess we going shopping today?" Aaron says. "Sure! Shopping!!!" Riley squeals.

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