Chapter 3

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Yes I'm still alive, sorry for the late update. School has kept me really busy these past few weeks, and I haven't gotten around to writing in a while. Don't worry, I haven't abandoned this story yet. I'm too married to this plot line to do that anytime soon. Also I want to say a HUUUUUGE thank you to @Fan_of_PTX for being my first follower, commenter, and voter! You have no idea how good it feels to know that someone out there in the world actually knows you exist!

I'm rambling, aren't I?

Anyways, on with the story!


Scott's POV

I get off the bus, and I walk, this time, down the sidewalk back towards home. I open the door and walk in, being greeted by the silence. My mom usually works late shifts, so this wasn't a surprise. I drop by backpack by the table, and I sit down and start my homework. Calculus surprisingly comes easy to me. I finish rather quickly.

I sit and wonder for a second. Why was it a bad idea to sit in that back corner? To be honest, it looked a little creepy. But why was that a reason not to sit there? I shake the idea out of my head as I start to prepare my self dinner. I don't necessarily know how to cook very well, so usually I eat whatever leftovers there are from when my mom last cooked. Two nights ago she made way too much stew, so I decide to heat up a bowl of it and take it to my room.

I plop down on my bed and start eating. I'm still thinking about that seat in the corner. It's not like someone to go out of their way to warn a new guy about something as silly as a seat.

I finish up my stew, which was already getting cold. Apparently meat doesn't hold its heat very well, but what do I know?

I go downstairs and clean up my dishes, than I head up to my room again. I lie down on my bed and pick up my phone and start flipping through Twitter. Nothing new or interesting. It's around 9:40 when my eyes start getting drowsy. I plug in my phone, wanting it to be at 100% for the next day.

I tuck myself into my sheets and I almost immediately fall asleep. A few minutes later, my mom comes home. She shuts the door a lot louder than usual. As you can probably tell, I'm not the deepest of sleepers. My subconscious is still at work for several minutes even after I go to sleep.

In my still partially awake mind, I'm still thinking about that seat. Why does everyone care about it so much? Every school must have some sort of backstory, and I want to find out what it is. When I really start falling asleep, I come up with a plan in my head.

Tomorrow I'm going to do some digging.


The next day, I go through my new normal morning routine. I get dressed, I don't bonk myself in the head on the staircase beam this time, I run out of the house, meet up with Kevin and Avi, and I arrive exactly 3 minutes prior to class starting.

I take my spot next to Kirstie, who surprisingly was on time today. I go over my plan from the night before, and I agree with myself that if anyone would know something about that seat, she would.

"Hey Kirstie..." How do I ask this? "Why does no one ever sit in that seat in the back corner?" She gives me a puzzled look, very similar to the one I gave the guy who told me about it. "You've only been here one day Scott, how do you know 'no one' ever sits there?" "I was going to sit there the other day, but some other student told me that it was a bad idea."

"Thank god."

She whispered it under her breath, probably so that I couldn't hear her, but I did. Loud and clear.

"What do you mean by 'Thank god'?"

She inhaled sharply. "Scott, I'm glad you didn't sit in that back corner. It's always been bad news. I like you, and I don't want to lose you." I don't understand a word that's coming out of her mouth. "What I mean is, that every single person who has sat in that chair as long as I've been here, has had something terrible happen to them." She starts to tear up a little.

"When I first started this school, two years ago, I had come here with my best friend from Arlington. His name was Mitch. Well, he was, y'know... like you." I think I know what that was supposed to mean. "We were hardly separated, except for when we took most of our classes. We still took choir together though." She took choir too? How many musical friends am I gonna make?

"He was the best friend you could ever have. Always one to look for the good in the worst of situations, which was a good quality for him to have." "What do you mean?" She paused for a moment.

"Because of his sexuality, he was bullied. Like, a lot. Some days he would come running to me with multiple bruises visible. But he would always shake it off and say that 'it wasn't the worst they've done'." Wow. Honestly I didn't know what to feel. I obviously felt bad for Mitch, but her story made me a bit uneasy.

If the people here would do something like that to Mitch for who he was, there was no reason they couldn't do that to me.

I just hope my secret doesn't get out.

"A few weeks before summer, there was a day when his bruises looked so bad, he had to leave early from school. A few of his regular bullies skipped class and ran after him, just so they could tease him and beat him up more. The last time I saw him was when he looked back at me while he took off running, just trying to get home without a fight."

I pulled Kirstie in for a hug. Her throat was closing up and she was full out crying right now. I figured she needed a little comfort.

"His parents got home that night and he was just gone. Without a trace. They had a search investigation in progress, but they closed it after a few months." She buried her face into my vest. I don't mind if it gets wet, I didn't like it to begin with.

She had calmed down a bit and was regaining her breath. "Since then, all new kids who innocently sat in that chair had left school months after beginning. They all said that it was 'haunted'. Apparently the chair spoke to them or their pencil magically levitated back onto the desk without them touching it." I don't believe it. Chairs can't talk, pencils can't fly, and they probably left because they didn't like the teachers or something.

"Scott, you're one of my best friends now. I don't want to lose you too along with Mitch." She started crying again and hid her face in her hands.

"I miss him so much."

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