Chapter 11

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Scott's POV

The next day was even weirder than the one before. Classes were pretty much the same, not too many more weird moments.

Although there was that one time in chemistry where the table shook causing a whole set of beakers to shatter, one of which, contained acidic liquid. And said acid spilled all over my hand. The acid was just lemon juice, but I had two paper cuts from my library class before! It's still hurt like hell!

But other than that, the day was fine!

It started when Kirstie met me at my locker before heading to choir together. "You ready?" "Yeah, let's go." And I closed my locker door as we headed off to class.

Ms. Johnson had finally lowered the pitch of our arrangement, so I left choir feeling pretty good. Kirstie was telling me about her possibly getting another dog, a Pomeranian maybe, when I felt someone bump into me, hard, causing all of my books fall out of my hand.

I huffed as I bent down and started picking them up. "Whatever happened to excuse me?" "I'm sorry..." I suddenly felt myself being lifted by my collar and being held up against the lockers. "...then excuse me for doing this."


I looked up to see the face of who was holding me up.


Surprisingly, it wasn't a complete stranger. I recognized this guy. He sits at the lunch table that's next to Kirstie's and mine. He also was in my math class with Mr. Madden. But the part I remembered the most, was that he was the one who warned me about the back seat on my very first day here.

"Don't sit back there."

"Glad you finally caught on, freak." Crap. I said that out loud?

I slightly turn my head, and Kirstie's face was red all over. I was almost convinced that I needed to dump a bucket of water on her head and put her out.

"Carter, let him go." "Don't worry sweetheart, he's not getting hurt." He turned his head and winked her. "Yet." She stuck up her middle finger.

Yep, that definitely was the same ring I found two nights ago here at the school.

"I always knew there was something different about you. And not just because your eye is a freak of nature." The sound of his voice brought my attention back to the boy whose name was apparently Carter.

"When I saw you on that first day, you listened, and I thought I could forget about you. But then you disobeyed me. The very next day you sat in that seat. And you stayed there even after it happened."

"Wait, how did you-" "It's kind of hard not to notice someone stretching like a laffy taffy in the middle of the walkway." My face flushed red. I didn't know that anyone had seen me.

"Anyways, you stayed, and I've seen three other people go because of that seat. Thomas, Jackson, and... Hannah." He paused and sighed. "She's been my friend since we were two days old. She never left my side, and I never left hers."

He released me from the lockers and lifted up his fists.

"And that's why I'm going to do this."

I had no clue what was going on, or why he was even doing this.

"W-Why, wha-, you-"

"You really want to know why?" He pulled me up by the collar again. "Bathroom. Now."

He pushed me into the bathroom door, opening it and probably making me fall backwards.

"I'm new. You want to beat me up. I get it. But what's with all this 'Hannah' business?" Carter exhaled before telling me his whole story.

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