Chapter 5

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Mitch's POV

I woke up that day feeling groggy. I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. Lately, it's getting harder and harder to fall asleep. I got up out of bed and started getting dressed for school. My old uniform didn't fit me anymore, but it didn't matter. No one would see me anyways. So along with my jeans, I just wore a black hoodie.

I grabbed my backpack and pulled on my hood, and I began to walk out the door as I remembered my contacts. I quickly put them in and rush out the door.

I knew I couldn't take a bus anymore, and walking took longer. I didn't want to be late for my first, well, their second day back at school. I didn't feel the need to be there on the first day. Besides, it's not like I would actually get in trouble for it anyway.

I slowly walked into class and I eyed Kirstie. As always, she never noticed, and didn't look up. I try to avoid touching anyone as I walked over and sat in the back corner. Not in a seat, just huddled up on the ground. I scrunch my knees up to my chest trying not to trip anyone. No one needed to know I was here.

I pulled out a notebook for my backpack and waited. Class would start in three minutes. I looked up and saw someone new walk in the room. For some reason, I found myself staring at him. My heart started beating a little faster, and I couldn't bring myself to look away for a second. He had dusty blond hair and a million dollar smile that deserved to be on the cover of Teen Model Weekly every single week.

And I couldn't help but notice his eyes. His bright, blue, ocean eyes. They looked bright and full of joy, yet seemed to hide what really troubled him inside. You can tell a lot about a person just by looking at their eyes. I should know that by now. And then he sits down next to Kirstie.


Way to go Mitch, you have a real talent for falling for straight dudes, and it always has to be the one that likes Kirstie. I mentally face-palm myself. They started talking for a little while, and Kirstie looks like she's tearing up. Within the next thirty seconds, she's sobbing. If he hurt her in any way I swear to Avi...

But then I look over, and he's giving her a hug. I let out the breath I didn't I was holding. He wasn't the awful jerk I hoped he wasn't. This school doesn't need any more of those. He was a really good person, and that made me like him even more, even though I shouldn't. It was dangerous for me to like someone in my state. And in my state, there was no way for him to like me back.


My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the sound of the bell ringing. I pull in my head and knees, waiting for what's to come. The foot traffic is always terrible when everyone goes back to their desks. I've lost track of how many times I've been tripped over during this class transition period. I listen for any footsteps, and I'm pleasantly met with the sound of silence.

I look up and I am surprised to see that student sitting 3 feet away from me. Why would he even sit back here? He was bound to have heard of me by now. I always end up scaring everyone away. I try not to be noticed, I really do. Bit if there's a situation where I can be of service in even the tiniest way, I will help out. It's hard for me to contain myself if there's someone who needs help. So I do something, and they're terrified. They always leave within the next few days of figuring me out.

I'm nothing but a nuisance here.

I honestly don't know why I still go to school. I guess I just want to go out in life with some form of knowledge. No one may notice me, but it's but it's never a good idea to live without knowing what's going on around you. The teacher announces our assignment, and I start writing. A few minutes into the lesson, I notice that he drops his pen. My mind starts worrying as the pen slowly keeps rolling towards me. I scooch farther into the corner to avoid touching it. I don't want him to notice me. I don't want him to be scared of me. I don't want him to run away.

I panic and wait for the worst as the pen ever so gently stops at my foot. I don't move for a moment. I don't wanna give myself away. He's already probably surprised that the pen stopped in the middle of the floor a foot away from the wall. I sigh as I slowly flick the pen away with my finger, and it rolls back to him. He looks stricken with fear as he picks it up.

I ruined it.

Now he's going to run away like they always do. I don't want them to run from me. All I wanted was for someone to run to me.

I turn and face the inside of the corner, and I don't do anything for the rest of the class. I'm not surprised when I feel small tear roll down my cheek. Why am I always this lonely? Another tear falls from my lashes, and then a third. Why did I come here? Why did no one ever help me before? Why was I always disregarded? The tears keep coming until I'm crying softly. I stay like that for the rest of the school day. All huddled up in the corner of the room, constantly being ignored.

I didn't feel like switching classes. I would catch up tomorrow. All I want right now is to feel wanted, and I blew that chance two years ago. So I just decided to seek solace in my own arms, as there were no other arms to hold me.

After what felt like the longest time, the bell finally rang. Once everyone filed out of the classroom, I slowly made my way towards the door, trying not to make any sudden noises. My foot accidentally hit the leg of the desk chair, and it made a noticeable squeak. The teacher looked up, and I literally didn't move a muscle. After seeing nothing, she shook her head and went back to grading papers. I let out my breath and walked out of the classroom.

Once I was safely in the hallway, I practically ran out the school. I went over to where I used to sit after school, under the giant oak tree out in front. I sat down and and leaned my head back against the cold, damp bark. For a while, I just stared at nothing. There wasn't really anything to look at anymore. Just a few buildings, a few cars, a few students walking home, a few actually with friends.

I felt a few drops of water falling on my nose, but I didn't give it much attention. Soon after though, it was raining hard, and I was stuck under the tree for the rest the night. but frankly, I didn't care.

I didn't care at all anymore.



Surprise! We finally get to hear from Mitchy.
And your patience has been rewarded with a double update!
(I'm sorry, I'm terrible at keeping to any sort of schedule.)
More updates s**n!

-MiraCurePTX 🍓

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