This is not you you don't fall in love.

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Chapter 3

After putting all the food away, the rest of the night included watching the boys play video games, and listen to all the gossip they learned on tour with 1D. You couldn't pay attention to any of that though, as your mind always went back to Ashton. You caught yourself staring at him more times than you'd like to admit that night. You tried to snap yourself out of it. This is not you, you don't fall in love, Del.

You got hurt before and you wont let it happen again, you couldn't let it happen again. See, after the whole incident with my jerk ex Derek, I fell into a deep depression. It got so bad, even Mikey noticed, it scared him, he even threatened to not go on tour if you didn't start feeling better. So for the sake of your brother, you tried to forget everything, forget him, and all the pain he put you through. Eventually you did, and you slowly started feeling like your old self again. But you built up your walls, and you promised yourself you would never allow another guy to make you feel the way Derek did. You figured that you would be single the rest of your life, move to London, get a job at one of the museums you dreamed of working at, buy a house, get a dog, and the two of you would live happy ever after. It's the 21st century for crying out loud, you certainly did not need a man to make you happy, and that became your mindset, that was until Ashton.

It was about 3 in the morning when you finally called it a night and decided it was time you went to bed. You needed to sleep all these thoughts away, yes thats what you needed, sleep. You'll feel better in the morning and forget about all these weird feelings you felt for Ashton. "Alright, i'm headed to bed, keep it down please." you say to the boys as you make your way into the direction of the guest bedroom, which was basically your room at Mikeys house. Once you got into the room you plugged your phone into the wall to charge and hopped into bed. You laid there for awhile, before you heard a faint knock on the door. "Del, it's me, Mike." you hear your brother say from behind the other side of the door. "Come in..." You say back. Your brother steps in and shuts the door behind him, taking a seat at the end of the bed. "I just wanted to check on you. You were kinda weird tonight." he says with a worried look on his face. "I'm sorry, I just had a headache. I had fun though. I love spending time with you guys, especially my big bro." You smile at him, playfully punching him in the arm. "Well you know that you can always hang out with us. How are you doing though, I mean with the whole asshole derek situation...You know that offer to beat his ass is still on the table." He says with a grin on his face. "I'm fine, promise." You reply back laughing. You knew he was serious, he would kill for you if you asked him to. "So do you think dad would let you move in with me?" He asks, looking at you for your reaction. "Really?" You say with excitement. "Yeah duh, It's just not the same living without my annoying little sister around." Mikey says grinning. You jump up and hug him.

See, ever since Mikey moved out you and your dad haven't really seen eye to eye. You always argued and more than once you remember coming over to Mikeys place in tears. Your mom died 6 years ago when you were 11. Since then, its always been just you three. You loved your dad, you really did, he just didn't know how to raise a teenage girl, and because of that you always ended up butting heads. Mikey was always the referee between you and your dad, and once he left, things got bad. You gave your brother another hug and you two said goodnight. That night, you tossed and turned. You tried to convice yourself that it was from the excitement of hearing you might be moving in with your brother, but deep down you knew it was because of Ashton. What was it about this damn boy that made you this crazy? Even with Derek you never felt like this, infact, you never felt like this about any guy before.

You open your eyes and look at the clock 8:34 in the morning. You laid there for a minute before getting out of bed and going to the bathroom to brush your teeth and take a shower. Once you were finished you changed into your favorite pair jeans and a rose colored tank top, with a cute white cardigan. You applied some makeup and put your blonde hair into a side braid before making your way torwards the kitchen.

The house was quiet and you figured the boys would all be sleeping still. You turned the corner and immediately saw Ashton sitting at the table, drinking a cup of coffee. "Oh goodmorning, Delaney." he says. "Morning! What are you doing up so early? I figured you would still be asleep like the boys." you say grabbing a cup and pouring yourself a cup of coffee as well. "Ehh, I don't know, I just couldn't sleep I guess" Yeah, me too, because of you and your dreamy eyes, you wanted to say. "I see, well I'm making some breakfast for the boys, want some?" You say to him instead as you got the bacon and eggs out of the fridge. "Sure. So you excited about moving in with Mikey?" He asks you. "Oh yeah, I just hope my dad agrees to it." you say back taking the fork and flipping the sizzling hot bacon in the pan. "Well I hope so too. It'd be fun to have you around more. You're kind of like our unoffical fifth member" he says laughing. "I'm honored." you reply. Oh god, Is this his way of flirting? You could never tell when guys were flirting with you so you just assumed he was being nice and continued making breakfast.

As soon as the house started smelling of food, Luke, Calum and Mikey all woke up and made their way into the kitchen. "Smells amazing Del, see this is why i'm excited to have you back, you always make the best food." your brother says to you. "Really? are you just using me for my cooking abilities?" You say with your lip pouting out, pretending to be offended. "and your laundry skills." He says laughing. "Oh my god, this is so amazing Delaney, seriously the best breakfast i've ever had." Ashton says while taking another bite. You blush. The other boys nodded in agreement as they shoved the food in their mouths. They all get seconds and continue to compliment on how good it all tasted.

After they finished, they all went got dressed. While they showered and got ready you sat on the couch flipping through the channels on the t.v. "We're gonna go to the arcade and meet up with some friends, you wanna join?" Mikey says to you. "Nah, i'm good. I'll just gonna chill here until you guys get back." You say. "Actually, I'm not in the mood to deal with the stupid kids at the arcade today, I might just chill here with Delaney, if shes cool with that?" Ashton says looking over at you. "Sounds good, bro. Del and I are having dinner with our dad tonight at 7 so we should be back by 5 at the latest. That ok with you sis?" Mikey says. "Yeah, thats totally cool." You smile. Shit. Really? I'm trying to ignore these feelings that i have for him and he is not helping. Get it together Delaney.

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