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Chapter 9.

Maybe you did need to tell Ashton, maybe he did feel the same way, and maybe everything would work out. Maybe. Yeah right, you sighed. You heard the door and you knew Luke and Ashton were here. You stayed laying on your for about 15 minutes before Calum knocked on your door. "You can't hide out up here all night. They know you're here, Del." He says quietly. "Tell them i'm sick." You faked a cough which made Cal laugh. "He's in your brothers band, you're not gonna be able to avoid him forever, and from experience, I've learned that hiding your feelings for someone wont make them go away." He says seriously. "Fine, i'll come down, Dr. Phil." You smile at him. You both laugh and make your way downstairs and into the living room with the boys. 

"Nice of you to finally join us, mrs. antisocial." Luke says. "Shut up." You smile and hit him. "Why do you always abuse me?" He says acting like you hurt him. "Why are you always a smartass?" you sarcastically say back to him causing him to laugh. "Well damn, she got you there dude." Ashton says with a huge grin, not trying to contain his amusement. "Hey, lets do something, how about we play a game?" Mikey says. "A game?" You gave him a confused look. "Yeah, lets do something fun guys. How about truth or dare?" Oh shit here we go you thought. The boys all agree. "So you gonna play, Del?" Calum says winking at you. "Nah, I'll watch you idiots make fools of yourself." you reply with a smile. "Don't be a party pooper, play with us!" Ashton whines. God, he could convince you to do anything. It's like he has this power over you that makes it where you can't resist him. "Ugh, fine." You finally say. After watching Mikey chug a whole glass of milk in 30 secs barely keeping it down, and Luke confess he used to tap dance, it was your turn. You prayed to every god in the sweet heavens above that they didn't embarrass you. You chose truth to be safe. "Alright, Del, out of my three best friends, if you had to kiss one, who would you choose?"  He asks you with a huge grin on face. Oh you were gonna fucking kill him. I knew this was a bad idea. "And you can't lie." Calum says winking at you. Your face turns bright red. "Guys, thats awkward as hell." You whine. "Oh just say it and get it over with." Mikey says. "Fine, I guess if I had to choose, Ashton." You shyly say. Your face was probably the color a flaming hot cheeto. You looked over to see Ashtons reaction, he looked a little surprised. "Thanks" he says with a laugh. After a few more turns it was your turn again, and this time you chose dare. Calum has an evil grin on his face. Damn it. "I dare you to tell us why you chose Ashton." Thats it, they are both dead. "No reason." you quickly say, your face going red again. "Oh stop, there had to be a reason why you chose him over me and luke." He complains. "I don't know. Ok?" you say again avoiding the question. "Infact, I'm done playing." You tell them as you get up and practically run from the living room. "Way to go asshole." You hear Ashton yell as you stand hiding in the kitchen so you could hear what they were saying. "Why do you guys always have to make things awkward? Clearly she was uncomfortable." He continues yelling at them. "Dude, are you blind?" Mikey says. "You're an idiot Ash, she likes you bro." Calum tell him. Holy shit. You couldn't believe they actually told him. 

You were beyond furious, running to your room. If you could die from embarrassment, you would've. Your mind was still processing what had happened. Why couldn't they just leave well enough alone. Picking up a bag, you started getting stuff for the night, you were going to stay at your dads. Once you worked up the courage to face them you walked downstairs to leave. "Del, where are you going?" You hear Mikey ask you. "Dads." you simply say before slamming the door. 

You were just about to get in your car when you heard someone calling your name. "Delaney, hey, wait." Ashton screams to you. You really didn't wanna talk to him right now. "Please forget about everything they said. I've gotta go." you yell back. "Wait, I need to talk to you." He pleads. You decided you were gonna have to face him eventually so might as well do it right now. "What?" you stop in the middle of the road. "How about you get out of the road so you don't get hit." he says with a laugh. You walked over to the sidewalk where he was standing, blushing already. "You don't have to run away from me." He looks sincere. "I'm not running away from you." you tell him. "Really? well it sure looks like you were." He says. Your stomach is in knots. You hated feeling like this. So vulnerable. "Delaney, I like you too. Alot actually." He says with a smile. You almost choked on your own spit. "What?" you barely make out. He grabbed your hands.

No way this is happening, you are dreaming. "I like you too. I've liked you since the first time we met, I just never wanted to say anything cause I didn't think you'd like me back, being your older brothers friend and all" He says nervously. You just stared at him. "I didn't think you'd like me because, i'm well, me." you say to him. "That is the stupidest thing i've ever heard." he says letting go of your hands and grabbing you by the waist pulling you closer to him. Looking you staight in the eye, he leans down and kisses you. In that moment, everything else fades away, all the pain from Derek doesn't even matter anymore. "Woooooo Hooooo." You hear coming from Mikey's patio. You both look up to find all three boys watching you erupting in a fit of laughter. "I told you he'd like you back" Calum says excited. "Shut it, Cal." you smirk. "How about you reconsider leaving?" Ashton looks at you with a huge grin. "Only if you kiss me again, i've waited to damn long for them idiots to interrupt..." He didn't even let you finish before his lips came crashing down on yours once again. You wrapped you arms around him neck and he pulls you closer to him. "I'll kiss you anytime you want" He says once you parted lips. 

You two kissed for a few more moments before making your way back up into the apartment. "Awh, look at the love birds" Luke says as you walk in the door. "Fuck off, Luke." Ashton jokingly snaps at him. "Ok, before anymore making out goes on, me and Ash need to talk." Mikey says. "Oh god, no." You say with a worried look. "Yes." He say motioning for you both to sit down. Luke says to Calum "Get the popcorn ready this is gonna be good" with a laugh. You shoot him a glare. "Listen bro, yeah you're one of my bestfriends, but she's my baby sister, she's been through alot, so I swear to god, if you hurt her, I will kill you." Mikey says looking right at Ashton. "You should know me well enough to know i'd never even think of hurting her." Ashton says squeezing your hand. You smile. "Ok, if you're done, I think me and Ashton are gonna head up to my room." You tell the boys before dragging Ashton out of the kitchen. 

Your mind was still processing everything that was going on, still not believing all this was real. "I can't believe we've both liked each other yet neither one said anything." He says as he laid down beside you. "I can't believe you didn't realize I liked you, I was sort of obvious" you giggle as you move onto your side and lay your head on his chest. "Well, you're mine now, and thats all that matters." He leans down and kisses your forehead. "Ashton?" you look up into his deep blue eyes. "Yes?" he says back. "Will you stay with me tonight? I don't want this to end." you ask. "Absolutely." He smiles down at you. "And just for the record, this wont ever end." He then pulls you on top on his so he can wrap his arms around you. You stay there listening to his heartbeat for what feels like hours, not ever wanting to move. "Delaney, how about we change and go to sleep?" He yawns. You both get up. You stand and watch Ashton as he strips down into his boxers. You then grab a t-shirt and shorts and head into the bathroom to change. You come out and get into bed, Ashton wraps his arms around you from behind and pulls you closer to him, nudging his head to your neck, kissing you slightly. "Goodnight, beautiful." he whispers. "Goodnight, Ash." you sleepily reply. Maybe you really were gonna get your happy ever after.

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