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That first night you were with Ashton you two talked about the last few months apart. You let everything out, and said all the things you needed to say, and he did too. You both cried, and just held each other. This was where you were meant to be, right next to him, his fingers intertwined with yours. The moment Ashton's arms wrapped around you, all the stress, and pain from the past few months just melted away. One of the best things about Ashton was that even though he spoke no words, he made everything better with just his touch. You both could be silent for hours, as long as you were together everything was perfectly fine. Nothing was every complicated when it came to your relationship, and you loved that. It was so nice to finally get back to how everything used to be. That night Ashton couldn't keep his hands off your belly. He was either touching it, kissing it or talking to it. He was obsessed, and it was the most adorable thing. Once you showed him the ultrasounds from the doctors, he ended up taping it right to his drum set. You both decided that the babies nickname would be gummy bear till you found out if he/she was a boy or girl, since you both thought that's what it looked like.

"You know, I always doubt myself and everything I ever do in my life, but you. Even when we were broken up, I never doubt you, or us. You have always been my constant. I know 100% that you are the love of my life, without a shadow of a doubt." He smiles down at you curled up against his chest. "I love you." You whisper back at him. "I love you most." He says. It was now 4:23 in the morning and you knew that the boys were performing on Good Morning, America tomorrow morning so Ashton had to go to sleep or he'd be a zombie on national television. "Ash, you need to sleep, babe." You quietly say. "I know, I'm just so happy to have you back I don't ever want to be without you." You giggle at him. "I told you I'm not going anywhere silly." He looks at you with that goofy smile you adore. "But still If I sleep I'll be missing out on so many moments." You laugh "You won't miss out on anything except my eyes watching the back of my eyelids. Now sleep." He grumbled. You look up and kiss him one last time before you turn around so he can hug your waist. A few hours later you wake up as you hear a soft noise, quickly recognizing Ashton talking. "...and I'll teach you how to play the drums. I'm gonna be the best daddy ever, I promise you that." He whispers as his hands rub your round belly. It made you want to cry listening to him be so excited. Moments later you flutter your eyes open. "Goodmorning, babe." He looks over at you with the biggest grin. "Goodmorning my love!" You respond as you sit up and lean to him for a kiss. "How did you sleep?" He says cheerfully. "The best I've slept in months." You admit. "Me too" he kisses you again on the forehead. "Let's go get breakfast?" He says climbing out of bed, and throwing some sweats and a shirt on. "The boys called like 5 minutes ago and said that they are already down at the hotel restaurant." You grab a pair of Ashton's sweats also and a blue shirt and jump in the shower. Brushing your teeth before heading with Ashton to eat with the rest of the boys. "The love birds are reunited." Luke jokes as you both walked up to the table where they were sitting. Ashton smiles. "How are you feeling?" Michael asks. "Pretty good." You respond before stealing a piece of his bacon. "Hey, you're lucky you're pregnant or I'd tackle you right now. Nobody eats my bacon." He playful yells at you. "I can't help it you're niece is really hungry and can't wait." You smirk. "My niece?! No you mean my nephew." He laughs. You roll your eyes and order your foot. You get a cheese omelet and extra bacon. "You gonna announce Del is pregnant on the show today?" Calum asks looking over at you and Ashton. "What do you guys think? I don't know." Ashton says. You can tell he was slightly nervous about the announcement. "I say go for it." Michael says smiling at you two. "Alright then we're gonna do it." Ashton leans in and kisses you. "Ugh, I did not miss this. Gross." Luke jokes. "Oh shut it Luke." You say smacking his arm. You spend the next hour eating and talking with the boys.

"Are you sure you want me to announce it?" Ashton asks backstage at Good Morning America. "Babe, do whatever your comfortable with, but eventually they're gonna know." You tell him. "I know, I know. Promise me you won't let any of the hate get to you?" He says with a worried look on his face. "Promise, now hurry, you're on in 2 minutes." You smile and watch as he goes to meet up with the other boys. The only thing that sucked about being in love with the hottest drummer alive, was the hate. You knew it was bound to happen, but it still sucked. Most of the time you overlooked it but sometimes it got kind of hard to handle. You refused to let that happen in this situation though. This was supposed to be a special time for you and Ashton, you were not gonna let immature and jealous people take that from you. You moved into your seat in the front row, and watched as the show started. "We have a 4 special guests with us today, please give a warm welcome to Calum, Luke, Michael and Ashton of 5 Seconds of Summer." The interview introduced them as they made their way into the stage and sat on the couch. She asked a few questions before she asked Michael about you. "My sister actually just joined us on tour so I'm really excited about that." He smiles. "Oh really? How nice, and boys how is it having Michaels sister on tour?" She asks looking at Luke, Calum and Ashton. "It's awesome. Nice to be able to see my girlfriend everyday again." Ashton answers. "Your girlfriend huh? Wow. Michael how do you feel about that?" She turns back to look at Mikey "I don't mind at all, they're actually perfect for each other. I know Ash would never hurt my sister." He says patting Ashton on the back. You make eye contact with Ashton and smile. "I'm here with the boys of 5sos talking about their music, touring, and love interests." She says as they come back from a commercial break. She turns to face him. "So Ashton, I hear you have some very big news to announce as well." You see him tense up, he keeps his calm though. "Yes I do..." He was starting to sweat. "My girlfriend, Delaney and I are expecting our first baby due this winter." He says smiling. "Congratulations. How do you boys feel about becoming uncles?" She looks at the boys. "We're stoked." Luke smiles. "We're so excited for them." Adds Calum. "Yeah totally, we can't wait to teach the little guy how to play guitar and stuff." Mikey looks over at you and smiles. "So it's a little boy is that right? How exciting." The interview says. "Actually we aren't sure yet but I have a strong feeling it's gonna be a boy." Mikey laughs. The interview goes on for a few more questions before the boys perform their new song Amnesia.

"I think it went great." You say as you hug the boys back stage. "Twitter has been blowing up the past 20 minutes. #BabyIrwin2014 is now trending." You cheerfully tell them. "I knew it would. We have the best fans." Calum responds. All of you make your way back to the hotel where you were greeted with thousands of screaming fans waiting for you. The boys waved and smiled for pictures as security made a path for you guys to enter the building. "I'm exhausted, you guys go get dinner without me, I'll order something." You say as you get into the elevator followed by the boys. "I'll stay with you babe." Ashton smiles. He wraps his hands around your waist. Ashton ordered you both some room service and ran you a hot bath once you got up to the hotel room. You peeled off your clothes and looked at yourself in the mirror. Pregnancy was a beautiful thing don't get me wrong but it didn't make you look beautiful that's for sure. All of a sudden you started to cry. Ashton heard you and knocked. "Delaney, are you ok?" He said from the other side of the door. "I'm fine, just don't come in here, I don't want you to see me." You pout. Next thing you know the door slowly opens. "You don't listen do you." You snap at him as you pulled a towel around you. "You know I don't, now what's wrong?" He looks concerned. Your facing him now. "Ashton look at me. I was ugly before, now I'm worse. My feet are swollen. I look like a damn whale. My stomach is already getting big I can't even imagine what I'm gonna look like in 4 months when I'm due. I'm gonna be huge." You're hysterical now. He pulls you closer to him. "Baby, calm down. First off, you were absolutely beautiful before, now you're even more beautiful with that belly of yours. That's our little gummy bear in there, there's not one thing ugly about it." He kisses your head. You sniffle. "Thanks, Ash." You say as he let's you go. The water was nice and hot when you got in, which was so relaxing. Ashton strips down after you and comes in and sits behind you. He nuzzles his head into your shoulder and wraps his arms around your belly. "I love you so much, Delaney. You're so beautiful you have nothing to be insecure about" He whispers in your ear. You feel him kiss your neck. "I love you so much." And you did. You loved him more than you've ever love anybody else, even yourself.

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