Perfect day.

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Chapter 11

Tossing and turning, you found it difficult to sleep that night. Ashton has slept next you the last few days and it just wasn't the same. You woke up the next morning about 11, sleeping in later than you usually do. Hearing the boys downstairs you got out of bed and got ready for the day. After pulling your wild hair into a messy bun you made your way down the stairs and into the living room. 

"Well hello there, Sleeping Beauty." Michael smiled at you. "Sorry, I tossed and turned all night last night." you confess, pouring yourself some juice. "What are you guys up too today?" You ask the boys talking a seat at the table. "Probably going over to Lukes for a game of soccer, maybe some video games. You?" Mikey replies. "I think I might just stay at home and watch some movies." You say. "With Ash?" Calum smirks at you. "Yes, with Ash." You stick your tongue out at him. "I'm really glad you told him, Del. Seriously, you guys are perfect for each other." Calum confesses. "Can I ask you guys something?" They nodded. "Why did Ash and Carla break up?" You look at them, hoping to find out why anyone would ever leave someone as perfect as Ashton. "She cheat on him." Luke says from the other side of the table. "Wow, really?" You looked shocked. "Yep, It really messed him too." Mikey says with a frown. "You're so much better for him, Del. She was awful. I've never seen Ashton this happy and I've known him my whole life." Calum says. You blush. "Well, I'm happy too." you smile. Lukes phone started buzzing. "Hey, speak of the devil." he says before picking it up and answering it. "Hey bro, whats up? he says into the phone. "Yeah, I'm here now. Ok, I'll tell her...yeah...bye." He set his phone down on the table. "He's been trying to call you, Del. He said he'll be here in a about an hour." He says looking at you. You realized you accidentally left your phone upstairs. The boys hang out with you for another 30 minutes or so before they left. 

You were laying on the couch watching some awful reality show about spoiled bitches when you heard the door open. "Hello?" You hear Ashton call. "In here." You yell to him, next thing you know he jumps on top of you, pinning your arms down and passionately kissing you. "Well hello to you too." you smile at him. He releases you, and you turn the tables, getting on top of him and pinning his arms down. "I think I like this way better" He winks at you. You laugh and let him go. "How was the move?" You ask him adjusting yourself so you're now sitting facing him. "Ok, I would have rather been here with you though." He says playing with your hand. You lean over and give him a peck on the lips. You wanted to talk with him about what you had discussed last night, but you didn't wanna ruin the moment. You'll talk about it eventually, right now you just wanted to have a good time with Ashton. "I know you've only officially been my girlfriend since yesterday, and this might come off creepy, but I already hate whenever you're not around." He shyly smiles at you. "I feel the same way, I slept like shit last night since you weren't there." You admit to him. He looks relieved. You both decided to put in a movie to pass time. Ashton went to pop some popcorn and get some drinks while you put the DVD in. "Beauty and the Beast?" He gives you a questionable look. "Yes, I love Disney movies." You give him an innocent grin. "Anything you want beautiful." After trying to throw popcorn in each others mouth and playing around the first 20 minutes of the movie you go get a blanket and lay down on the couch to cuddle with Ashton. After wrapping the blanket around both of you, he kisses your forehead. You feel him start making circles and hearts with his fingertip on your exposed shoulder. The motions make you sleepy.

5:37 p.m is what the clock reads when you wake up from your nap. You feel Ashtons arms still around your waist. "Ash, wake up." You sitting up causes him to open his eyes. "What are you doing?" he sleepily asks. "Getting up, we slept for 4 hours!" you start moving and you feel him pull you back down. "Noooooo, I just wanna cuddle with you." He sounds so cute when he's tired you just can't resist him. "Fine but 10 minutes and we really have to get up." You tell him. "Sure." He says as he pulls you on top of him. You feel his chest slowly move up and down as he breathes. Placing your head down, you hear his heartbeat. What a beautiful sound it was. After awhile you look back at the clock 6:11 p.m is now the time. "Assssshhhh, lets get up baby." You whine. "Fine." he replies and kisses you. 

"Everything smells amazing." Ashton whispers in your ear as he sneaks up and puts his arms around your waist. You were making dinner. Homemade cheesy potato soup, baked chicken, garlic bread and salad was on tonights menu, along with chocolate chip cookies but you were waiting until after you ate to make those. "Need any help?" he asks you. "You could set the table, It's almost done." He does exactly what you tell him. After everything is done you move it to the table so you guys can begin eating. "This is amazing, I'm not lying." Ashton compliments after taking another bite of his food. "This might be the best soup i've ever had." he remarks. "I'm glad you're enjoying it." you smile at him. Ash clears the table while you put the dishes in the dishwasher. 

Once everything was cleaned up you decided to get started making the chocolate chip cookies. All the wet ingredients were mixed together, so you were reaching for the sugar when you turn around and get a face full of flour. "ASHTON" you scream. He bursts into laughter. "Gotcha." He says not hiding his amusement. "I'm so gonna get you, jerk." You take a big handful of flour and do the same to him. You laughed so hard you even snorted. After about 5 minutes of your little food fight you both fall the the ground laughing hysterically. "You look like a snowman." you say wiping the flour from his face. "What the fuck?" You hear Mikey say from across the room. You look up to find all 3 boys standing there staring at you. "Sorry." you giggle. "You guys are a mess." Mikey laughs. Luke and Cal just smile and shake their heads.

The two of you clean up your little mess, and decided to go out and relax on the patio, away from the boys, who were now being annoyingly loud while playing video games. You were sitting with Ashton and pointing out the different stars when he said it again. "I love you." You knew you were gonna have to have the talk to him. "Can we talk." you look at him as you get off his lap. He stood up next you.  "Yeah, whats wrong?" "You said It again." you look down. He looks confused "I said I love you? Did you not want me too? Is it too soon? Talk to me." he says trying to understand where this was all leading. "No, neither of those. I think its great, but I can't say it back." His face instantly turned sad. "Not because I don't, because I do, but I can't say it because the last time I opened myself up and said that to a guy, he took advantage of it, and I can't let that happen again, Ash." He looks at you with a serious expression. "What that asshole did to you, was horrible, and i'm sorry you had to go through that, but I love you, and I won't ever do that to you. I'm not him, baby listen to me, I wont hurt you like he did." His voice is soft but clear. Tears were now forming in your face. He pulls you to him and puts his arms around you. "No, don't cry. I won't pressure you to say or do anything ever. You say it when you want to, ok?" He looks down at you. "Thank you, Ash." You say back.

He holds you there for awhile before you get a chill and go back inside. Both of you say goodnight to the boys and go up to your room for the rest of the night. He strips down into his boxers just like he does everynight, but this time you go over and take your shirt off, and pull his over you. "I like your shirts better." You smile at him. "Well they look better on you too." he grins from the other side of the bed. You climb up under the covers and move closer to Ashton. He nuzzles his head into your neck sneaking kisses any chance he got. You feel his breath slow and you knew he was asleep, so you rolled over onto his chest and closed your eyes, falling fast asleep yourself. 

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