Chapter 1: First Day Of School

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I was awoken by the sounds of my cat, Inka meowing in my ear for me to go and feed her. I turned my head over and saw her sitting by my pillow. "Good morning kitty..." I lazily said. She jumped off my pillow and walked out of my room and into the kitchen, waiting to be feed. I slowly got out of bed and stretched.

Today was my first day at my new school, Ouran Academy. My dad and I worked really hard to get in, and I was still shocked I was excepted, even though I'm not rich. I'm extremely grateful that I got in, though. The only thing I hate is the uniform. It's really bright and looks way to big on me. But I don't really have a choice.

I started to take off my PJs and put on the uncomfortable uniform. I turned and looked at myself in the mirror. "Could look worse," I said out loud. I then quickly brushed my hair and rushed to the kitchen to feed Inka.

After feeding Inka, I made myself a quick lunch. I then noticed the note my dad left me. "I'm sorry I couldn't be here to wish you good luck on your first day. I'm extremely proud of you. Hope you have a good day." I smiled and put it down on the counter. I then looked over at the clock. "I have plenty of time." I thought to myself. I didn't live too far away, and it would be a nice walk too. I put my lunch in my bag, quickly patted Inka in the head and started walking to school.

As I started getting closer and closer to the school, I started seeing the same kind of people; hot blonde rich people. Some of them gave me weird looks, turning to their friends and whispering. I didn't really care that much. I kinda knew that I was probably going to get weird looks. When I reached school, I noticed a group of girls surrounding what looks like to be a boy.

As I got closer, I got a good look at him. He looked quite feminine, with big brown eyes and short brown hair. He must've noticed me staring at him because we locked eyes for a second. I quickly looked the other way, but I could've sworn you saw the boy blush. I shrugged and started walking into the school.

~Time Skip~

When the bell rang, I made my way to homeroom. I'm most likely going to have to introduce myself, though. When I stepped to the class, the teacher immediately said "Good morning everyone, we have a new student with us. Why don't you introduce yourself?" Damn. I slowly got up to the front of the class, with my arms crossed. "My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I hope we can all be friends." I said, sort of sarcastically. "You can go sit behind Haruhi." The teacher said, pointing to someone near the back. As I got closer, I noticed that it was the boy from before. He had a strong blush. I wonder why. He didn't say anything as I sat down, though, he just kinda looked the other way. I turned to where he was looking and saw what looked like to be two twins, grinning. I looked back at the front of the room and started listening to the teacher.

~Time Skip~

It finally the end of class and I was getting all of my stuff together. "Are you going to the host club today?" Said a girl with blonde hair tied up in a braid. "Of course!" Said a girl with short black hair. "A host club? That sounds interesting, but I don't know if I'd be into it..." I thought to myself. I'd had always kind liked girls more the boys, but I could probably just check it out for fun. After deciding, I started to walk out of class. But before I could get out, I felt a tap on my shoulder.


Ok, the first chapter is done and it really sucks. I might go back and change it, but I'm really tired of all of the grammar checks. I'll try to make the next chapter longer if anyone ends up reading this. 


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