Chapter 4: Study Time

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Your POV

After the talk with Haruhi, I immediately went home and got texts from Jenny and Annabelle asking me what had happened. I lied and said that she was just asking for help in one of our classes. I could tell that they didn't buy it, though, but they still acted that they believed me. Other than that, nothing exciting happened at school. I hung out with Haruhi a lot more, though. She would tell me all the things that had happened during the host club. There were some absurd things that happened. I was still surprised that she was still dealing with them, but it did kinda make sense. She has no way of paying them back. I would try to help, but like her, I'm quite poor. But even when she rants, I can tell that she's having fun. Would she stop talking to me if she started to have more fun there...? She has started to become one of my best friends, so there's no way that she could leave me...right?

I kept thinking about all of these things on my way to school. I knew it wasn't going to happen, but it still freaked me out. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw, you guessed it, Haruhi running towards me with a huge smile. I started to blush as she got closer to me. "Hi (Y/N)! How are you?" she asked. "I'm okay, but I'm feeling kinda stressed." I said. "Oh no. I'm sorry your feeling stressed. What are you stressed about?" she asked. Could I just tell her that I'm kinda stressed about her? No. "Just stressed about school and stuff." I said. "Yeah, me too." as soon as Haruhi said that, her eyes lit up. "Why don't we study together sometime?!" she said excitedly. "S-sure! That sounds like fun." I said. Studying with Haruhi? That sounds amazing. She's extremely smart. I think that the extra help would be great. "We can meet after school and go over to my place, okay?" I said. "Okay!" she said really happily. I could tell she was very excited about it, and it was really cute. Then the bell rang and Haruhi snapped out of her daydream. "W-well see you after school!" she said as she waved and ran to homeroom. I hope she realizes we're in the same homeroom. 

~Time Skip~

After school, Haruhi and I went to my house. The whole walk there I was extremely nervous. I'm pretty sure she was too because she had her head down almost the whole time. When we reached my house, I started to be even more nervous. I had no idea what it was, but I was freaking out. When I let Haruhi and me in, we were greeted by Inka rubbing up against my legs. "Oh! I didn't know you had a cat. What's its name?" Haruhi asked. "Her name is Inka" I reply. "She's very pretty" she says. (I don't know if Haruhi's a cat person but I sure am) We both went into my room and sat on my bed. My room wasn't really messy so I didn't mind. But Haruhi kept looking around my room every couple of minutes as we were studying. At some point, we stopped studying and started to talk. We talked about a lot of random things. At one point Inka came and sat on our laps, too. Haruhi really had seemed to be enjoying herself. 

~Time Skip~

I don't remember how much time had had past, but Haruhi said out of nowhere "It's getting late. I should go back." "Had that much time really past?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah, it's almost nine" she replied. My eyes widened. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to keep you here for so long!" I said. "Oh, it's ok! I-I don't really mind..." Haruhi said, looking down blushing. Her reaction made me blush a little as well. "I can help you get your things together..." I said. "Oh, that'd help. Thanks!" Haruhi said grinning. I smile back and help her get her things together. When I was done helping her, I lead her to the door. "T-thanks for hanging out with me..." Haruhi said. "No problem. I enjoyed our time together, even though we didn't really study." I said. "Haha. Yeah." she said looking down. "B-but, I want to know...if you'd like to hang out again. O-outside of school stuff..." "Like a date?" Oh shit. Didn't mean to say that out loud. Haruhi immediately started blushing. "N-no! wanted it to be" Haruhi mumbled. I started to blush red. "Y-yeah. Okay. W-we can talk about the details later..." I say shyly. "O-okay. Bye, (Y/N)." Haruhi said as she walked out of my house, her face still very red. I closed the door and realized what I had done. "I sort of asked Haruhi on a date..." I said turning to Inka. "Oh my fucking god. If the host club finds out, they'd probably be pissed." Inka tilted her head. I can deal with their outrage. I just want them to see how gay we're gonna be. I giggle to myself as I think this. Oh yeah, I need to go to bed. I'll think about this in the morning.


I'm so sorry that I haven't really posted a lot. I haven't gotten a lot of time recently and then I traveled. But I'll try to post more now. So yeah


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