Chapter 3: The Truth (aka you find out Haruhi's a girl)

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Your POV

Despite my weird first day, I started to have a lot of fun at school. Haruhi and I hung out a lot more and I even made two other friends. I wasn't even getting bullied, which was something I most expected. School life was going a lot better than I had thought. "Hey! (Y/N)!" I was snapped out of my daydream when I saw one of my new friends, Jenny, come over to my desk. "Oh hey" I said. Jenny had tan-ish skin and dark brown hair that was always up in a loose ponytail. She was a cheery girl who was also in my homeroom and had asked me if I wanted to be her friend. "Is Annabelle going to come with us for lunch?" she asked. Annabelle was the other new friend I had made. She approached us a couple of days ago since she was also new at the school. "Yeah, I think so. We could go wait for her outside" I said. "Okay" replied Jenny. We both then walked out of the classroom and waited outside. Not long after, Annabelle started to make her way over to us. "Hey. Sorry, I was late" she said. Annabelle had bobbed jet black hair and freckles all over her face. She was also extremely tall. "Would you like to go now?" I ask. "Sure. I don't know why we're just standing around." Jenny said.  

~Small Time Skip~

After lunch, my friends and I started walking back to class, talking about school work. "I completely failed that math test..." I heard Jenny say. "You should've studied" Annabelle said. I started to tune out their conversation as we got closer to our classes. I then noticed Haruhi standing outside of my classroom, hands crossed, looking stressed. "Oh, hey," I said to him. He looked up and smiled a bit when he saw me. "I was just looking for you. I want to talk to you about something" he said. "Oh, what is that?" I asked. "I-I was kinda hoping we could talk about it after school..." he said looking away. "Oh...sure," I said, kinda confused. "Well bye!" he said as he rushed away. "What was that about?" Annabelle asked. "He must be professing his love to (Y/N)!" said Jenny excitedly. I rolled my eyes. They were always joking that Haruhi liked me, which I think was true. And even if he was going to tell me he liked me, I would turn him down and say that I liked girls. I hope that he'd be ok with that though...I guess I'll see what happens. 

~Time Skip~

When it was the end of school, I went up to Haruhi and asked "Do you want to talk about that thing now?" He blushed a bit and said "S-sure. Just follow me" As he started to walk, I could notice that he was getting more and more nervous. I'll probably won't help his nervousness by telling him that I don't like him. Eventually, we made it to an empty classroom. I sat on a desk and crossed my arms. He stood in front of me and started to fiddle with his fingers. "O-okay...I don't really know how to say this" he said, his voice shaking. "Go ahead, no pressure. He toke a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. "I haven't known you for very long, but I feel like we have a very strong friendship. I enjoy spending time with you. A lot." Oh boy. I know what's coming. "And I think that it's time I tell you something. It could potentially ruin our friendship, but I'm okay with that." Why is saying that so weirdly? "I should stop stalling...(Y/N)...I'm actually a girl." What. The. Fuck. Is he joking with me? He's got to be. But it would explain why he's more...feminine...The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. After a long silence, she said "It might not sound believable...but it's true. I am a girl. And I would rather not prove it to you" "N-no, I believe you...strangely." I finally said. "R-really? Usually, people would freak out. Not that I've said that to other people.." she said looking away. "WAIT. Does the hot club know?!" I asked concerned. "U-um yes..they've known for a long time.." "WHAT?!"

"Wow, that's...a strange backstory" I said after Haruhi told me everything. "Yeah, but I hope that this doesn't ruin our friendship" she said. "Oh of course not! And don't worry, I won't tell anyone" I said. "Thank you, (Y/N)" Haruhi said while smiling. I blushed a bit and looked away. "N-no problem" I muttered. "Well, I should probably go now" Haruhi said. "Oh yeah. Well, see you tomorrow" I said. Haruhi smiled at me one final time and left the classroom, leaving me very sexually confused. "Welp, I think I might kinda like Haruhi" I said out loud to myself. God, I'm so gay.


Yaaaaay it's done. I had a lot of fun writing this part, mainly because I get to write about female Haruhi. Sorry, this part wasn't as long. I should be asleep right now. Anyway goodnight


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