To The Moon and Back

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A DiYue One Shot


He sits on a sidewalk grunting after he realizes he had been walking aimlessly for what seems to have been five kilometers away from his hotel. Now deep into the night, there were not so many cars passing through and only a few people could be seen walking opposite the street he found himself in. 

He checks his watch. 2:45.  

At least an hour since he glanced into his phone's watch to check the time before he turned it off after screaming at it for what felt like hours of nonstop argument. Something he realized had become a constant between them in the last few weeks... and yet, no one dared to pull out the white flag.

Not until tonight, it seems. 

It was a season of uncertainty, yet again. Something he knew they would inevitably go through with each other but would eventually pull through from. Once more, he found himself stuck between this season of thriving, doubting, pacing back and forth and questioning every layer of what if's and what should be, in a relationship. Of excuses, compromises, broken promises and apologies.

Of holding on or letting go.  

It had been eight months, two weeks and four days since they last saw each other's faces. Face to face, that is. Eight months, two weeks and four days since the last time he heard her voice next to him and felt her touch on his skin.   

It had been eight months, two weeks and four days of facetime, surprise flower bouquets in the dressing room, secret on-location food truck deliveries, late night calls and long message updates to missed calls, canceled dates, slept on facetime & forgotten message updates. 

No more facetiming, no more surprise flower bouquets in the dressing room, no secret on-location food truck deliveries, no late-night calls, and no message updates.  

What happened? he thought. 

She had been crying on the other line while he was yelling at her for previously uttering the word, 'give up' and for implying that she was tired of going over and over with him for the same old reasons. He didn't want to hear her say that she was finally tired. That she was finally tired of him. Because quite frankly, he was too.  

Their conversation didn't end well with her suddenly cutting the line on him and leaving him dumbfounded with anger and uncertainty. He wanted to call her again but he knew that once she pressed x, she meant it. His pride got the better of him and so he shuts his phone hoping it would somehow cool his head off and possibly deny the situation he was in.

But could he?

Could he deny the fact that any minute now, she could send him a text message saying she wants to break up?

He wasn't really sure if he deserved it. 

But do they need this?

Does he want this?



Almost an hour since he turned off his phone pushing it deep in his pocket and coming out of the hotel with nothing but a cigarette in hand and a black cap over his head to catch some air, before he found himself lost in the middle of God knows where, after pacing back and forth for over an hour thinking about the past six years into their publicly private relationship—- it's highs and lows, it's gradual yet surreal beginning, it's constant running from and denying, it's monumental moments that defined their relationship, to the last thing that she said to him on the phone....  

He was lost. Quite literally and figuratively.

He lowers his head and closes his eyes while he scratches his nape with his right hand and adjusts his cap with the left; leaving air to brush through his glorious hair. He stops midway when he opens his eyes and recognizes a familiar figure underneath him. 

His shadow was staring at him. He pauses for a brief second before smiling and then sighs.

Looking up, there she was... the culprit to the forming shadow beneath him. Bright in all its glory, captivating him with all of its beauty. There she was, 

The moon.  

Staring brightly at him as if whispering into his heart, 

"I'm here, I'll always be here." 

His hand turns to his pocket as he pulls his phone. He dials the first number on his phonebook. 

Clicks call. 

The person on the other line picks up but no voice came to answer; only a seeping silence that he seemed to understand. 

"Hey, to the moon and back, remember?" 


three seconds...  


He threw curses in his head as his heart starts to beat uncontrollably fast.

Say yes, please. Say yes. 

six seconds... 

Tik tok, tik tok. He felt as if any second more, he'd be found dead on the floor from a heart attack.  

nine seconds...

"Yes." she breathes; voice raspy from having wept; breaking the bitter silence that was tangibly choking the thin air that was separating them.

"To the moon and back, Wang He Di."  

And there it was.... all it took was nine seconds of him feeling like dying and walking through the pits of hell to realize that he could go on for another eight years, probably two lifetimes and four eternities if all it takes is to see her in the end.  

"To the moon and back, Shen Yue." 


To all of those who have read this on twitter and liked, retweeted and commented on this, THANK YOU THANK YOU, VERY MUCH! You don't know how heartwarming it is to see all of your reactions! Nakakataba ng puso and ego. haha. 

I'm glad that somehow,  this little thing was able to make your DiYue hearts happy. And that's enough to make me fly to the moon and back <3 

To any new reader who stumbles upon this, thank you very much!! I'm honored just by the fact that you gave this little something a chance. Thank you.

Lastly, to my Kei, tigermoonbuddy , to whom this was even possible to begin with, THANK YOU, MY LOVE. lamoyan. 

You're the best motivation and cheerleader anyone could ever wish for! Thank you for 'forcing' me into writing this. Hahaha 

This one's for you!


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