Under the Moonlit Sky

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"What the fuck, Wang He Di?!" Her eyes shot open as she opened the door after the incessant knocking wouldn't stop. Grey hair, sideburns and plaid shirt---- something she had never--- ever expected to be greeted to by someone who had just come back from a historical shoot.

"Surprise!!!" he yelled loudly, hands flung up to the air, eyes sparkly wide with a big smile on his face.

She stared at him for a good five seconds not knowing how exactly to react before he quickly enveloped her in an embrace.

She was taken completely off-guard by this new 'look' her boyfriend surprised her with after coming back from a two-month-long shooting.

"What the fuck?!" she pulled away from his tight grip and gave him a glare. He gave her a knowing look after realizing what she had in mind.

"You don't like it?" referring to his newly dyed hair. Clearly, she didn't see his Weibo post.

"Well, it's just not something I expected you to return with." she admitted, finally snapping out of the shock he gave her.

He chuckled from the comic look on her face. "I wanted to surprise you. Didn't you say you liked the white highlights on Black Widow?" he says grinning.

She didn't look convinced. "You did it because of Li Xi Zi, didn't you?" she glared.

"See, I knew you were gonna say that"

"Because it's--"

"But--" he raised his finger to her mouth to shush it. "But-- I didn't do it when he dyed his hair, remember? I actually thought he looked stupid."

"But," he chuckled as he continued, "When you told me last week that you liked it, I thought meh, why not?"

She smiles, knowing exactly why he did it. Looking up at his new grey hair, she stared at it for a while before finally lifting her hand over his head and ran her fingers over it.

"Wouldn't your agency get mad at you though?" her brows furrowed in concern. "You still have some photoshoots this month."

"Yeah, well, they already called me up after I posted it on Weibo."

"And? What did they say?"

"I asked if I could keep it even just for a while. I told them I might just look more handsome with it." he winked.

"They agreed and said I could keep it until the next photo shoot. Besides, it grows back pretty quick anyway." he shrugged his shoulders.

"I like it. You do look more handsome."

"And sexy?" He grinned, pulling her tightly in an embrace. She rolled her eyes, but this time she let herself melt into him. She knew she needed it. She wanted it. She longed for it.

"I missed you." she said in a muffled voice over his chest.

"I know, I missed you so much too," he replied, face buried in her head.

He then showered her with kisses all over her forehead before pulling her chin and catching her lips with his in a deep kiss.

They missed each other so much--- too much that they didn't even realize they were standing in front of a still wide-open door.

They only let go to breathe for oxygen; smiling as their foreheads meet. "You must be hungry."

He smiled between their faces. "Yes, but we got all night."

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