Wang He Di-- a reply to my Moon.

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Yue, my beautiful moon,
I don't even know where to begin
How did you become my constant
The person I want to run to every time
Your smile, it brings shivers down my spine.
I can't help but giggle inside.
Do you know? You've become my sunshine.
The way you look at me with your sweet smile, God knows how many times I had to stop from taking you in my arms

You made my eyes spark the first time you glanced to me and said, "hi"
I gave you a smile that night
But inside, I felt butterflies I didn't know I'd always feel every time I've been with you since that night
You've brought questions in my mind I never knew I'd ever have
How a girl such as you could create shambles in my head, with every move you make, leaving me dumbfounded.
You mess up the image of the woman I always pictured I wanted for myself
Every time you turn to me with that glow on your face when you call me by my name.

How Yue? How did you become the woman I only want to argue with?
The only woman I've ever wanted to stay up all night making jokes with
Do you know? That heavy night when you kept rubbing your hand so you could drive away the cold; I wanted to grab your hands to make you feel warm.
I stopped when you gave me this glare
"People are watching", you said.

I wanna love you like nobody's watching
Far from the crowd. Far from the noise that wants us apart.
How do I tell them the truth? How do I tell them you're the one I love?

There are so many things I want to do
So many heights I want to climb.
I wanted to reach the stars
I wanted to soar top high, chasing the dreams I built for my self
Filling the role the world set for me
But how, dear, how did the mountains I wanted to climb, I want to climb with you?
That the only stars I want to reach, I want to reach them for you?
The picture I've painted, of a prince building his home, I've painted building it with you.

I've been up all night
Thinking about what you said to me that night
In the woods, in the dark, when it was just you and I under those night stars
You asked me how we could be with tears falling from your eyes
At that moment, for the first time in my life,
I couldn't even breathe
How, my love? When that moment, in your eyes, I was ready to give away my life.
Tell me, can I let this all go just so I could say that you are mine?
Would you let me?

My moon, the light in my dark.



You may be surprised at how for the first time, I suddenly posted something so quick, back to back. To be honest, I had written both poetry letters way back November of last year and never really posted them anywhere. Until today.

To my beautiful, inside and out first and probably only daughter, infinidyshen, who is an incredibly talented young writer(you should check her out); Mei, thank you so much for bringing this to light again! (I had sent her these last year and I had forgotten about them if she hadn't reminded me.)
You're an angel.
Thank you for saving these 😭💜💛

Therefore on this day, 19th of November 2019, I dedicate this to you.

Happy Birthday, my love. ❤

May your years be filled with joy and laughter.

May you be showered with love and blessings all the days of your life.

May you continue to grow as this amaaaaazingly talented woman you were made to become.

I love you, baby girl!

Thank you for the friendship.

Ate loves you!


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