A Friendly Advice

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"You can do it, Shen Yue! You can do it!!!" She gave herself her last jiayou since she woke up three hours ago.

From the moment she got up of her bed to her quick shower, while she scanned the first five pages of her script to when she walked out of her apartment. While she sat for forty minutes in traffic and even when she had her short facetime with baobei, she kept telling herself that she could do it. She could act alongside Jerry Yan, her childhood idol who is almost twice her age.

Her eyes didn't just widen and her jaw didn't just drop the first time her manager handed her the script which wrote, "The Exchange Luck -- Starring: Jerry Yan......"

She dropped on the ground and blurted, "oh my god."

"So? Are you going to take it?" Her manager asked her again. "We think, and so does the director that you would be great for this role. He personally handpicked you after seeing your performance in Meteor Garden. He'd been eyeing you and Jerry Yan for the role."

"Does he know?" She couldn't help but ask. This was something very new to her and it had just dawned on her that her leading man will be much older than her.

"Jerry? I'm not sure. The last time I spoke with Lin Zi Ping(Director), he said they had spoken with Jerry about the script only and his possible character. He didn't mentioned you yet as they weren't sure if we were going to sign the contract.

"Will you give me some time to think about it, jie?" She got up.

"I'll give you a week. We need to give them a response so they could make some preparations, if needed." She cleared her throat and looked straight at Shen Yue.

"Yue, this is a big opportunity for your career.

Don't disappoint me."


"I can't believe you'll be working with Jerry, Yue!!!" Xiao Wen squealed on the other line.

"I know!!! Xiao Wen, I'm really nervous!!!" She bit her lip and made puppy eyes at her friend who was eating a cup noodle on the screen. "Do you think I can do it?"

Xiao Wen dropped her cup and chopsticks on the table. "Aya, Yue Yue! Anyone would be nervous! But don't you ever doubt your capabilities! You're SHEN YUE, you hear me?! You're my beautiful and talented friend, so don't you doubt yourself or I'll tell Didi!"

"No! No!!!!" She squealed. "I don't want him to scold me again" she rolled her eyes. "Oh my god, Xiao Wen! He's here!!!"

"Okay okay, call you later! Go say hi!!!"

She cut the call and cleared her throat. She felt herself start to panic again. Her hands were trembling as she adjusted her shirt.

Jerry came out of his Chevrolet van and his fans and the paparazzi came approaching him from all sides. He shook some of their hands while they squealed at the sight of him. Shutters from cameras could be heard from all sides. He had a very bright smile on his face as he thanked everyone who came so early just to greet him.

Ah, the power of Jerry Yan, she thought. She got out of her trailer followed by Yang-jie behind her. She grip her script in hand and sighed deeply as she saw Jerry make his way towards her.

"Hi! Hi! How are you?" He waved his hand at her and she could see his dimples form deeply on his cheeks. He was so handsome.

She bowed shyly and stuck out her hand to shake his. She still couldn't believe she would be acting alongside someone she had only dreamed of meeting when she was a kid. "Dao Ming Si..." She gulped. "Hello, sir- ge- Jerry gege. How are you?" She flashed him a big smile as they shook hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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