Shen Yue-- a letter to Wang He Di.

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I can't think of you without smiling
Every time you form your lips into a grin, I die a little inside
You eyes, nose and lips
The way you stare into my eyes like you're reading my soul
The way your smile makes me feel like I'll be alright
Because you're right by my side

Your mind, I can't seem to ponder
You're loud, damn you're loud
You're like a tornado, ready to wreck-havoc wherever you go
You're the loudest in the group, the most hyper, you never let anyone tell you, "No"
Yet it boggles me- how in al your rough edges, still your wisdom outshines in every thing you say

It confuses me—- how your stare suddenly makes me feel conscious of myself
How every time you'd look in my direction, cheeky eyes that look like they're about to do something mischievous, I find my self gasping for air but I just faked a laugh.
Your every move confuses me
How you'd hold my hand to warm me up in the cold
You think I didn't know? How you pretended to not be cold just to offer me your coat.
I told myself that night that you were only being polite
That I wasn't going to fall for one of your kind's antique works.

What are we?
How I feel for you is like fire
It consumes me in everything that I do
I try to water it to make it go away
But like gas, it rages even in water
With ever look, every stare
Every last glance you give me before you fade into the crowd of screaming faces.
How do we go on?
Every critic tells us what's best for us
They say I don't deserve someone like you

What do I do?
When all I could see is you
How do I tell them that you're this loud echo that keeps bursting in my heart
Like a shadow that I can't walk without
They say you're like the weather—- ever changing; one cannot predict it's every move.
To me, dear prince, you're like the sun
Ever shining bright, the only constant in my heart.
Tell me, how do we go on?
Will we ever tell them they're wrong?



If yo think this sounds a lot like Taeyang's Eyes Nose Lips, well yes. This was written at probably 2am with me rapping to Tablo's English version of it. Lol

So excuse me if it sounds very.... eyes nose lips-ey 🤣


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