Chapter 1

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Amiria -

I was sitting next to Elliot grubbing down on some monkey bread in his room. He was knocked out cold, snoring loud as hell.

I kicked him. "Elliot! Wake up. Damn, snorin' right loud." I said irritated.

He stirred under the covers, groaning. "What time is it?"

"2:30." I sighed.

He groaned loudly again..

That day was the day that Elliot would be going away for about five months to stay with his Uncle all the way over in Compton.

His parents were going through something rough and didn't want him to be around.. well at least until their divorce finalized.

Elliot and I had been together since we were both 15. He was 6'1, 70 lbs overweight, and sort of on the ugly side but I couldn't talk. I was 5'6, overweight as well and I was definitely uglier than Elliot. His (imagine Elliot any skin tone you want him to be) was flawless while mine was covered in oily pimples.

We met back in eigth grade and I automatically liked him. He was nice and sweet and just perfect for me. His beautiful smile and straight white teeth made my heart melt in his hands.

Sorry but I could go on all day about how perfect Elliot was.

"Can I have some moo?" Elliot asked, reaching for some before I could answer.

"No!" I snatched the plate away from him and scooted away. "This is our last day together for almost five months and you spent damn near all of it sleeping."

I glared at him as he tried to move closer. "Look baby, I'm sorry I spent all night packing and I know I should've done that last week when I found out."

He took my hand and kissed it. His big lips pressing softly against the back of my hand. I did a half smile and scooted back over to him so he could hold me.

"It's okay. I love you big butt."

He laughed. "I love you too moo moo."

We sat in silence as we kept watching Teen Titans Go! In two days would be our year and a half anniversary and he's going to be spending it away from me. I just prayed his mother would keep him away from me for only five months.

"Elliot! Let's be ready to go soon please! Maybe in 15!" His mom yelled upstairs.

She was nice and very, very attractive but a little slutty. I could see why his dad didn't want to be married to her anymore. She liked me, I think, but we never really talked. Just a few short conversations here and there.

I looked at Elliot, tears filling my eyes. "No baby, don't cry." He said grabbing me into a hug. "Your big bear is going to miss you so much."

He kissed me and I leaned in, grabbing his chubby cheeks, slowly tangling my tongue with his. He lied me down, crawling in between my thighs. We ended up smiling half way through the kiss.

"You're so beautiful Ria." I smiled even harder, his beautiful green eyes hypnotizing me.

I looked down at our attached pelvis's and felt his bulge against my core. "Elliot." I said seriously.

That was one conversation I did not want to go into. "Ria."

"I don't want to. We can when you come back." I said trying to push him off of me.

"Ria, c'mon. This is my last wish before I go."

"Why do you want to so badly?" I asked frustrated that he wouldn't move.

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