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'My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I was born in Indonesia. I wasn't like others— I had (Skin tone) skin, sparkling, blank (E/C) orbs and silky (H/C) hair. It was hot, and lonely in Indonesia. I didn't like it. Nobody but my servant, Katyusha, to look after me. My parents never did— not even sparing me a glance. As a matter of fact, they never wanted me at all.'

"It wasn't my fault!" (Y/N) shouts, angrily fighting against Katyusha's hold as she stares down her unaffected mother, who continues to apply countless amounts of makeup to her already porcelain face.
"Come on— Why can't I just go outside for once?!" She cries out, a look of frustration on her face.

"Miss (L/N), please—" Katyusha pleads, only to be cut off.

"I'll dress properly! I'll be on my best behaviour— and I promise to stay out of your way! Please!" The young girl breaks one arm out of her servant's hold and reaches out her arm, grasping onto the two, white pearl necklaces placed around her mother's neck before pulling on it, causing it to break.

Whether it was an accident or not, pearls scatter onto the floor as (Y/N)'s mother huffs and simply turns away from her vanity mirror, not once glancing at the scowling female, as she turns to her husband who waits behind her in the doorway patiently.

Katyusha quickly regains her grasp on the struggling teen and whispers a silent apology to her before swiftly pulling her around the corner, dragging her behind a doorway which soon leads to another room not far down the sandstone hallway.

"Wait— No! Please! Mother—!"

'My mother cared only to go to parties— the most extravagant there was. And my father was busy with his military duties, yet somehow always having time for my mother and her all-night long parties, but never me.

I was never allowed to attend the parties— although majority of the time I was invited. Once rumours had spread that I had reached of age- my so called 'beauty' being enough to stun the gods who had created me— people would almost do anything to get a glimpse of me. My parents loathed it, mainly my mother.

Whenever these parties occurred, I was locked in my bedroom by my mother's orders. As an alternative, I began to watch the party's events carry out through my window.

But I was angry.

Yet I never cried— I didn't know how to cry. The basic emotions I had only gathered when I first met Katyusha seven years ago, although it was never enough.'

(Y/N) lets out a barely audible sigh as her blank, unblinking eyes stare out her window, her elbow propped up against the stone ledge as her cheek rests in her palm. She watches her parents stand at the front of the crowd of townspeople, cheering at the sight of elephants decorated with woven cloths with intricate golden designs as following them are a few people, carrying a portable wooden bed of sorts on their shoulders before placing it down to reveal a royally dressed young man who tips his head towards the girl's entertained parents.

Beautiful women dressed in red, thin cloths dance to the music played by the large band positioned by the side, flutes, drums and stringed instruments are heard, being played melodically.
Three loud knocks are heard.

"Miss (L/N)?" A accented, motherly like voice is heard from the other side of the locked door, "I have your dinner."
It's silent.
"Please— Y-You haven't eaten since this morning!" Katyusha says, exasperated. (Y/N) remains silent, her eyes never leaving the rowdy crown gathered in the centre of the village.

Katyusha lets out a small sigh, placing the tray of food outside the door, knowing that when the Mistress comes back she would unlock her bedroom after the party. She stands in front of the door for a few moments before giving up, her head bowed slightly as she walks down the sandstone corridor.

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